I don’t think that the scientific review process is applicable to ‘hobby’ magazines such as MEW.
The purpose of peer review is to assess the validity of the work such as, is it original, are the conclusions reasonable from the work and/or data presented, does it add to the body of knowledge, is previous work correctly cited etc? It is not intended to correct basic errors. That is left to the author, who will receive proofs from the printers prior to publication to correct layout and composition errors. It can be a lengthy process, usually a year or more, from initial submission to publication and usually involving re-writes.This is an expensive process which is why subscriptions to scientific journals often run to hundreds, or thousands, of pounds per year.
I suspect that if the same criteria were applied to MEW there would be very few articles to publish. After all there’s very little in MEW that is genuinely new, in the scientific sense.