Having made T nuts for my Myford ML7 out of mild steel, I found that it was fairly easy to strip the threads on them. … maybe I’m ham-fisted.
Yes, that’s a possibility! I’d rather strip a T-nut thread than break a slot.
A colleague who’d been trained as an Army Combat Engineer on Bailey Bridges and other hefty kit, persistently stripped threads on computer equipment. No matter what the reward or threat, he couldn’t stop himself, and had to be transferred to other work! I also have a friend who, working on cars, insisted on tightening everything up by extending spanners with a length of pipe and/or bashing them with a hammer. That he occasionally sheared a head off or broke a stud didn’t cure him.
I’ve made T-nuts out of Aluminium, and they work well enough. The problem with them, and mild-steel, is they tend to deform and won’t last as long as the hardened steel version. OK for light and moderate use though, and easily made when replacements are needed.
With enough clamps moderately tightened and positioned in all the right places, I don’t have work moving about, but what I do is relatively small. Bigger work might well need more welly!