Stevie, I'm not going into which wheels to get as that's been covered by those with more professional experience than me.
Re. diamond wheel truers, I have a single point one in a 3/8" bar, but only use it on the Clarkson tool and cutter grinder. This has a proper dovetail slide, so I can mount the bar in a holder and skim the wheel accurately. I've tried using it on my bench grinder(s) similar to yours, but struggle to get a good flat finish due to lack of a sliding toolrest.
One of THESE works well freehand and can cost very little money. It has the advantage of presenting a flat surface to the wheel, rather than a single point. Essentially small diamond grains in a block on a handle; mine came from ebay for about £3.
One can also use a Devil Stone, a bit like a normal carborundum bench stone, but designed for truing grinding wheels, rather than hand sharpening planes and chisels.
Note that the resin bonded diamond honing wheels also need truing up. The diamond grit on these is retained in something like a hard rubber compound, which needs initially truing, then having a new surface exposed from time to time.
This is also done with a stone, similar to a Devil Stone, but counter-intuitively, it's quite soft, in the same way that a green grit wheel for grinding carbide is quite soft.
They are available from many sources, but mine came from Axminster Power Tools. Their description says it just cleans the wheel, but I did find it also trued mine up. Note though, that my Diamond wheels(s) are the resin bonded type on an aluminium disk, rather than those with grit embedded in a metal coating on a steel disk.
Edited By peak4 on 24/01/2020 01:11:28