Dave –
I do use the Constraints!
I learnt a long time ago that CAD is Ever So Punctilious about making things meet but you need give it the right conditions for it to work.
Alibre puts big black dots everywhere that I took to be snap nodes, so if I track a line from node to node it will connect to the existing lines. Only, they don’t, not every time anyway – but does it also want a constraint applying?.
I think the tangent problem is where the tangency is very slightly beyond a reference centre-line. So when trimming the initial circle for a rounded end on a tapered object, it leaves a tiny fragment hiding in the displayed lines.
Alibre Atom may be a bit of a tight fit but I did take some advice on selecting the computer, a factory-rebuilt DELL. David Jupp has given me some tips on making the software run more efficiently on it.
It has a reasonably large screen at 21″. Though if I need enlarge the image I can’t also move the picture while one or another tool is open, if the area concerned is over the border.
The mouse is of reasonable quality, probably not “Hi-Fi” but since I use it with a rather wobbly hand directly on a rather wobbly MDF keyboard shelf I think we can acquit it! (My GP says I’ve an “essential tremor”…. It’s not “essential” to me: it’s free to any takers!)
David –
I read your PM notes and link, and have bookmarked that page.
I don’t think it is possible to add a second monitor to this PC.
Nealeb –
I think you can use only one constraint per connection, in Alibre Atom. If you try to apply more it says “constraint already exists” or “over-constrained”. It should need only one, of course, but I might sometimes be using the wrong type.
So for that tangent to a circle, sketching the line by eye slightly beyond the circle then picking only the Tangent Constraint and both figures will connect them; even with a slight external or chordal gap but obviously within fine limits. If you trace the line closely enough it can snap them together automatically and display a little constraint symbol there to confirm it.
Atom asks you to enter a dimension unless the entity is from one node to another, when it can work it out for itself. E.g. a rectangle has two boxes in which to edit the tracked length and breadth; a straight line asks for its length and angle to the axis. (There are vertical and horizontal constraints, too, for lines at 0º and 90º to the axis).
I’m not sure it always does link two nodes though – the lines look as if there but the fairly coarse line display might hide tiny mis-closures preventing extruding the sketch.