It will be noted that I do not post very often , however , I do read every issue and most articles therein.
I have never got to the point of feeling confident enough about contributing, my skills and knowledge fall a long way short of those who do, and who I frankly respect, but I do feel strongly that a magazine/ forum should be true to its title and this is where I feel that since Neil took over from David , it has lost its integrity.
The first issue spelled out its mission, with its accent firmly on making things , concentrating on Workshops and their use , plus making models.
The one good thing which Neil has done in my view is to add the Tea Room thread, which is where any subject not in keeping with the original aims of the magazine /forum should be housed.
Many thanks to those who do contribute articles and suggestions , especially Angels Breath, went out , bought the ingredients , made it used it, Great ! .
I currently have underway at the moment the 7 1/4" Singapore loco and a Stent type T&C grinder, I doubt very much that they will ever be revealed on here, like the Sweet Pea I have already made, they are for my own pleasure regardless of their failings which I am aware of , and wish others not to see.