i could not disagree with John Stevenson more! i always enjoy his entertaining posts except where he uses language i dont approve of, and have the greatest respect for his workshop skills. however JasonB has tried to set high standards as moderator, and is always extremely courteous and helpful and always model engineering related, whereas John is a bit too abrupt sometimes (and i know via personal correspondence his view of us in the miniature locomotive camp), and Neil seems to be floundering and lost his way.
JasonB could easily swamp threads with stuff about his excellent woodworking skills. he does not do so, much to his credit despite me having a strong interest in woodwork. it just isnt appropriate on this forum. neither does it behove Neil to swamp posts with his own non model engineering interests, and contributions to posts of which he clearly knows nothing about but cant seem to help himself wanting to see his name attached to a post in every thread.
a bit of restraint Neil wouldnt go amiss and would do much to help!
on one of the other 'specialised' forums of which i am rather grandly described as an 'Elder Statesman' the moderators do not need to restrain irrelevant and off topic contributions because there are very very few. in fact the moderators never post except very occasionally. we are there to discuss what we spend our precious free time doing in our workshops creating and operating stuff of which we are passionate about! we discuss improvements and details of design and performance, how to make particular parts on varied workshop equipment, (and lots of build threads) and we all get along fine and are all great friends!
i have the greatest affection for the ME magazine going back very many years but if this is it's flagship by way of a public forum then i despair sometimes!