Hi, a little job today was putting the screw back into the moving jaw of my Record No. 75 vice which I took apart, cleaned up and painted. This wasn't as straight forward as one might think, as a washer, a fairly strong spring and another washer, all had to be compressed to enable a new pin to be put through the plain part of the screw.

The only way I could think of doing it without spoiling the paintwork, was to clamp the bar that slides through the vice body, to the bench and use a piece of tube to push on the outside washer, which then had to be compressed by 40mm or so.

This of course, then covers over the hole that the new retaining pin has to go into. Not wanting to hack this piece of tube about, as once you cut a decent length of tube, you know you may well need it to stay the length it is for a more permanent job. so I found a short piece of tube the same size, and cut a slot on both sides, so the pin could be fitted.

Although I could compress the spring enough to get the pin in, I couldn't do both at the same time, and so I clamped a large piece of angle iron to the bench, with my old scissor jack placed between that and the other end of the tube, which left both hands free to put the pin in the hole with a long pair of nose pliers, and then tap it home with a pin punch and hammer.

The small dot punch on the pin, shows the position it had to go into the hole.

Just got to paint the base that the vice swivels on, and the job will be done.

Regards Nick.
Edited By Nicholas Farr on 08/05/2023 18:22:24