IanT –
I have wasted a lot of money, including electricity, and countless hundreds of hours trying to learn what I thought originally, would prove genuinely helpful. Instead, beyond a very low level, it proved genuinely impossible.
IMSI seems to make many changes to TurboCAD with each new edition, not just more features; but the major new additions are all architectural, artwork and commercial file-sharing. The basics are all still there but I think like Microsoft with 'Windows', IMSI loves to tinker around the edges to suggest Doing Something Useful, without improving anything. Also, each edition's versions differ by the commands available.
SoD is right. It is hard to try to use two very different systems but unfortunately necessary if we change from one to another, but still need the original drawings.
Any CAD tutorial is better than none at all; and I completed Alibre's own exercises reasonably successfully. However, following step-by-step instructions does not guarantee learning.
I still need my basic-level TurboCAD, orthographic-only, project drawings; but am still faced with its baffling, "WYSIWYDG" printing system. (D = "Don't" .)
I have no "real" drawings in Alibre anyway. A failure. Tried it recently, but what looked very simple proved beyond me.
In the workshop now I use mainly, rough freehand sketches; often even only measurements "on-the-job". CAD is only for the few, formal elevation drawings necessary. I want to get the things built.
Edited By Nigel Graham 2 on 23/07/2023 12:25:29