On Saturday I got a phone call from the scrapyard to say they had two tubs of carbide come in and come asap on Monday as it would be out the door pronto as the prices fluctuate so much on Carbide.
Currently running about £8.20 a kg.
So decided to kill two birds with one stone and even though I have repeated advertised loads of free steel on here and other sites I have finished up with about 5 callers who collected some. It's time now to start clearing up so on Sunday i loaded slightly short of one metric tonne into the Donald and ran it down the yard this morning. Shame but obviously the weld on the armchairs is too strong. Still made £103 for the toy fund.
Then went to sort the carbide.

Those tubs are about 15" x 10" x 10" and weighbridge price was £700 [ seven hundred ]
A lot was 16mm shanked up to 20mm but mainly 16mm. I can use this OK but the problem is as it's sold on weigh you are buying a lot of shank so decided to keep to 10mm and under.
Part of my haul can be seen on the right. Finished up filling a 5" high coffee cup as [a] getting loads of useful cutters and [b] keeping the price down.


72 cutters in total with about 90% of them fine as these have come out of an aerospace works where they change the cutters on a time basis. But even so if these wanted a lick up it's a decent nights work.
Stuck them on the scales on the way to the office and 3.8kg so £32 at cost £40 retail ??
Showed the boss what I had and he told me to clear off, Bummer, could have got some bigger ones.
Back down there again tomorrow with another short tonne of steel but this is all profile bits and scrap plus he also owes me for the old Fork truck which they took away last week.
Might be able to afford a bit of beef at Christmas this year. ???