Posted by Gordon W on 03/01/2016 12:15:46:
Teaching children – When I was at school everybody learnt by repeating stuff, tables , spelling, etc. The commonest question was " what use is this to me ?" I think this is the teachers and parents job, explaining what use and interest the subject has. As an example " what use is knowing about triangles going to be ?" Mention 3,4 ,5 triangle will be useful if you are going to build a shed.
You are so right. If a teacher cannot explain what he/she is teaching ……….. I met this with maths throughout my education. However some teachers were quite interesting, I was taught calculus very rigorously by a history teacher who treated the subject as a philosophical exercise. Thinking back I realise he knew the subject very well and was a very good teacher (probably wasted on us, particularly me who spent a lot of time looking out of the window).
Sorry I have been mugged by the dating system again (twice now). This was a thread belonging to January. Is it possible for me to delete this post?
Edited By JA on 02/12/2016 13:18:32