Well, yesterday actually. For some time have been thinking that the secondary belt on my lathe will have to be replaced, 'cos it seems to have stretched, and sometimes slips. The lathe is an Engineers Tool Room BL12-24 (Similar to the Warco BH600 or Chester Craftsman).
Eventually stopped chewing metal and lifted the Headstock cover, and found that the lever from the belt tensioning link was a bit slack on the shaft, and tightening the Allen Capscrew did not seem to improve matters much.
Removed the lever and the operating shaft to find that the dimple in the shaft was rather shallow. Unscrewed the Handlever, into Mill/Drill and deepen the dimple with a 8mm End Mill. Reassemble, notice that the female threaded end of the link fouled the lever, so decided to swop ends. Removed the shouldered bolt at the lower end, and since the male thread of the link was a little marked, cleaned it up with a M12 die. Ran a M12 Tap down the female part and tried to refit. Very little room between bolt head and headstock , so difficult to restart the thread. Filed a small chamfer on end of thread, wedged a screwdriver between bolt head and Headstock casting wall, and rotated bolt with 18mm spanner. (Used a piece of M12 sudding to hold the female threaded part, for better control) When thread engaged, removed screwdriver and tightened fully. Screwed in Male threaded end to where it seemed "about right" and reconnected to the lever. Too tight to go "over centre". Shorten by one turn; a bit too slack. Extend by half turn; just goes over centre, and can now run without belt slip!
If I were a pessimist would be waiting to find the next thing to go wrong, but can now return to metal mangling.
Found that the studs on the 3 jaw on the Conquest were loose (Screwed out of the Chuck, instead of nuts running along them. Finally rermoved chuck. Screwed studs fully home, to find only about 2mm protruding behind spindle flange. So removed and investigated. The studs are actually M6 grubscrews 25mm long. Made up three M6 studs 30mm long and screwed into place, refitted chuck. Enough stud now protruding to let nuts engage fully. Another minor bodge completed. M2Z's Widget does work!