We have long had a buzzard that roosts about half a mile from here. Walking the dogs yesterday i saw it make a long slow glide across to one of its favourite trees. Walking back I heard it call, and to my surprise it had found a companion, I guess they were looking for the same rabbits that fascinate one of our dogs. My thought was I hope tehy will nest…
Well I went out to put towels on the line a short while ago, and herd a buzzard call again. Within a couple of minutes three were circling directly overhead – one nearly landed in the big hybrid poplar just beyond the end of our garden.
Another went over very low, so low I could easily make out individual wing feathers.
After they went I fetched the camera, and managed to get one feeble snap of one of them, about 200 yards away. If this sunshine continues tea breaks will be in the garden with camera to hand!