Posted by Oompa Lumpa on 07/05/2015 22:12:26
Anyone bought one of those fractional calipers? Always wondered about them and just fancy getting one……
I bought some digital calipers with the fractions display. I'm not sure what prompted me but I never use them in fractions mode.
I think they may be aimed at woodworkers in the USA, I went through an assorted box of Allen keys thinking I would be able to quickly separate the imperial from the metric. In practice it was best to check them all in metric mode and its then obviously which are which.
Same really with drills, if the shank markings are hard to read or not present because the drill is tiny I measure in metric too. There is not much point in measuring, say a No 73, drill if the best resolution is 1/64".
I have just remembered why I bought them. They were promoted at having a large character display, however that is only true for digits before the decimal point which rather defeats the object!
In metric mode the display looks like 'O.oo' and in imperial even sillier as 'O.OOoo' so a bit dogs breakfast like.
Ian P
Also going on Saturday
Edited By Ian Phillips on 08/05/2015 16:29:14