Hi Clive
See Ill stopping the pound by the pound shop next time out . I think the bees have got it right , too cold to go out yet ! Wont be to long before you get your workshop space back though. I was surprised to read your bit on machine engraving , compared to other engineering fields m/c engravers are bit few and far between . Did some gun sight related stuff as in dials and vernier scales ,navel orders . Must have been some the last of the mechanical system of ranging . Also a lot of stuff for a hydro electric power generating plant in Wales , lot of it reverse engraved clear perspex , and a lots of other stuff,
Had a look at your album , your Evening star loco looks really good! you say "stuck for boiler at the moment ", is this going to be next part of the build ?. Bees & hive making etc, permitting, I also read your post on silencer for air rifle, as also have Lother Walther barrelled pcp, bought s/h with silencer some time ago , The silencer internals look m/cycle clutch springs about three of them with narrow spacers in between each spring ,
regards Steve.