What did you do today (2015)


What did you do today (2015)

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  • #188625
    Capstan Speaking

      Hmmm. The previous owner of that gun was quite a cowboy.


        Bob, from your photos I noticed that firstly you must have 'super-glued' or equiv the cover onto the cylinder to drill the covers holes, and secondly that you were using Arc's Type 2 Precision Vice. I am just about to do the first for the very first time and purchase the second as soon as Senior Managements signs off the Capex!  I hope the vice will be as good as I am expecting it to be.


        Edited By ChrisH on 04/05/2015 20:17:18

        Neil Wyatt

          Hi Jason,

          Despite camping in a 'dark sky zone' I only saw a brief appearance of Jupiter and Capella, so no astronomy for you

          The occasion was WEHEC and included a fine maypole and a celebration of Beltane. And naturally Beltane means fun with fire, and all model engineers love flames, so…


          flaming 1.jpg

          flaming 2.jpg

          Bob Brown 1
            Posted by ChrisH on 04/05/2015 20:16:12:

            Bob, from your photos I noticed that firstly you must have 'super-glued' or equiv the cover onto the cylinder to drill the covers holes, and secondly that you were using Arc's Type 2 Precision Vice. I am just about to do the first for the very first time and purchase the second as soon as Senior Managements signs off the Capex! I hope the vice will be as good as I am expecting it to be.


            Edited By ChrisH on 04/05/2015 20:17:18

            I didn't super glue the cover to the cylinder just put a clamp on the top it having lined up the face for the slide bars, drilled and tapped two holes while clamped and then bolted it down to drill the rest. My reasoning being I would not be able to adjust the position if I used super glue.

            The vice seems so far to be quite good for accurate work and the faces tend not to mark the work piece, it hold the job reasonable well and holds it square, not sure it will hold things that well if the faces are not parallel as there is very little play in the moving jaw left to right.


            Michael Cox 1

              Hi Clive,

              I found nearly the same in a Portuguese supermarket, see:



              Posted by Clive Hartland on 04/05/2015 14:31:45:

              001 (500 x 375).jpgWent into the Pound Shop today and found these Ice stick trays, just the right size for cutters etc,

              Edited By Clive Hartland on 04/05/2015 14:32:1

              John Stevenson 1

                Rather defeats the object though Mike going all the way to Portugal to get those for £1.00 ?wink


                  Sorry Bob, stand corrected on the super-glue bit, it just looked that way as no clamp visible! Isn't very little play in the movable jaw a good thing? Thought it would hold better than just "reasonably well"……..


                  Michael Cox 1

                    The same supermarket did sell some very cheap, good wine which made it all worth while!


                    Posted by John Stevenson on 04/05/2015 21:53:31:

                    Rather defeats the object though Mike going all the way to Portugal to get those for £1.00 ?wink

                    Nicholas Farr

                      Hi, I actually started this lathe stand project at the beginning of last week. First task was to find some used material which I have been hoarding forever. Found an old door from a large industrial electrical panel, which after a couple of evenings stripping the old paint off and marking and cutting to size, I took it to work next day and folded it into a channel shape on the sheet metal folder.

                      cimg1965 (2) (800x600).jpg

                      Today I got as far as welding the legs and cutting them to the correct length.

                      s1030651 (800x600).jpg

                      More photos can be seen here for those who are interested **LINK**

                      This lathe stand is primarily for my Hobbymat, but is been made big enough for the likes of the Chester Conquest, Warco Mini or Sieg C3 to name three popular models. It will have the same type of adjustable machine mounts from Warco, that I used on my mini mill stand.

                      Regards Nick.


                        Hello Michael Cox.

                        I'm portuguese and live in the Lisbon area.
                        Will you, please, let me know if you bought the "nearly the same Ice stick trays" in the Lisbon area? And if so, the name of the shop?

                        Thanks in advance
                        Dias Costa


                          Hi Clive

                          See Ill stopping the pound by the pound shop next time out . I think the bees have got it right , too cold to go out yet ! Wont be to long before you get your workshop space back though. I was surprised to read your bit on machine engraving , compared to other engineering fields m/c engravers are bit few and far between . Did some gun sight related stuff as in dials and vernier scales ,navel orders . Must have been some the last of the mechanical system of ranging . Also a lot of stuff for a hydro electric power generating plant in Wales , lot of it reverse engraved clear perspex , and a lots of other stuff,

                          Had a look at your album , your Evening star loco looks really good! you say "stuck for boiler at the moment ", is this going to be next part of the build ?. Bees & hive making etc, permitting, I also read your post on silencer for air rifle, as also have Lother Walther barrelled pcp, bought s/h with silencer some time ago , The silencer internals look m/cycle clutch springs about three of them with narrow spacers in between each spring ,

                          regards Steve.

                          Michael Cox 1

                            Hi Dias,

                            I bought the ice stick tray in Continente in Espinho (near Porto). They were in the 1€ promotional bins with other household items. I bought them about 8 weeks ago. I was in Espinho last week and managed to pick up one more.


                            Posted by dcosta on 04/05/2015 23:53:27:

                            Hello Michael Cox.

                            I'm portuguese and live in the Lisbon area.
                            Will you, please, let me know if you bought the "nearly the same Ice stick trays" in the Lisbon area? And if so, the name of the shop?

                            Thanks in advance
                            Dias Costa

                            Neil Wyatt

                              > Isn't very little play in the movable jaw a good thing?

                              Some very good quality vices have loose moving jaws that can literally be angled and virtually lifted up – a cam arrangement pulls them down hard when tightened up. Advantage is that the accurately aligned fixed jaw aligns the work whereas in a normal vice like mine the two jaws battle to be the one that 'aligns' any work that isn't square.

                              Naturally this only works well in vices, like the one illustrated, where the clamping force includes a strong downwards component to lock the moveable jaw in place.

                              Bob Brown 1
                                Posted by ChrisH on 04/05/2015 22:03:58:

                                Sorry Bob, stand corrected on the super-glue bit, it just looked that way as no clamp visible! Isn't very little play in the movable jaw a good thing? Thought it would hold better than just "reasonably well"……..


                                The amount of twist in the movable jaw is 0.07mm with the clamping screw loose, I said reasonable as the clamping force is spit some clamping the work piece and some pulling the jaw down. If the clamp bolt load is 2000kg then the resultant forces would be 1400kg in both directions assuming an angle of 45 degrees.

                                I doubt if I would use it for roughing out where I tend to take larger cuts 5mm + in depth and at reasonable feeds, only reducing the depth of cut or feed rate when the motor starts to complain or the VFD says that's enough.


                                Nicholas Farr

                                  Hi, today I did a little bit more to my lathe stand, Firstly the bottom of each leg was cut as shown in the photo below.

                                  s1030655 (800x600).jpg

                                  Then 12mm nuts were welded to four pieces of 40mm x 6mm flat bar which were 35mm long, with a hole in the middle.

                                  cimg1974 (800x600).jpg

                                  These were then fitted into then bottom of the legs with the nut inside and were then welded into position.

                                  s1030656 (800x600).jpg

                                  s1030657 (800x600).jpg

                                  The welds were then flushed off both pairs of legs ready for welding to the top.

                                  s1030658 (800x600).jpg

                                  Regards Nick.

                                  “Bill Hancox”

                                    Saw this ad yesterday on a local For Sale site for a FREE Bridgeport mill. This made me drool. The owner's shop is only a few Km away but I don't have the room to locate it and there is a set of steps leading down to my basement workshop. Oh Bother!.




                                      Hello Michael Cox.

                                      Thank you for your help.
                                      Had no luck with Continente.

                                      Best regards
                                      Dias Costa

                                      Neil Wyatt

                                        At least some welding by a real mortal – still makes my welds look like bird-poo though


                                        Edited By Neil Wyatt on 06/05/2015 20:56:21

                                        Oompa Lumpa

                                          Finished my Barrel Vice, well, it makes sense – If you make posh guns you need a posh vice, no?

                                          Beautiful to behold, the little holes are 15mm for 14mm hold down bolts, the bigger bolts are, well BIG. For those that don't know you make a bushing for the centre, put the barrel in the bushing and crush down on that using the massive bolts – on thrust washers – you grip the barrel so it can't move. Then using another special wrench which fits on the receiver you get to unscrew the barrel. My first one really wasn't up to it anymore so built this one:

                                          barrel vice.jpg


                                          Neil Wyatt

                                            Nice paperweight in the background. I have one like that



                                              The gun repair thread reminds me of an old friend, now sadly gone, who was a self taught top class craftsman in wood. Be it furniture making, clinker boat building or gun stocks, his work could not be faulted. In his later years he would take the caravan to France each summer and arrive back with a load of walnut blocks which, when finished graced guns made by Holland and Holland, Purdey, etc.

                                              Oompa Lumpa
                                                Posted by Neil Wyatt on 07/05/2015 19:46:41:

                                                Nice paperweight in the background. I have one like that



                                                Just so you know, it isn't painted. It is Hot Caustic Blacked.

                                                Believe me, I use that bench block every day. That pic is taken right next to the "dismantling desk" and for knocking pins out and getting triggers off it is great. I have another in plastic now too and have been asked by a colleague to make him one in plastic. Great for getting things apart (that you have reassembled wrongly) and not marking them.

                                                Well who doesn't make the occasional cockup? My life is one long series of disasters


                                                (Really wish I could get my hands on ANY Walnut blanks. Rarer than a rare thing nowadays).

                                                Edited By Oompa Lumpa on 07/05/2015 21:33:13

                                                Edited By Oompa Lumpa on 07/05/2015 21:37:49

                                                Ian Welford

                                                  Had an acquaintance who made a racing yaucht in his dining room. Intended to take it out via the patio doors however there was a bit of miss-measurement shall we say so he ended up having the ceiling acro-propped and removing then replacing the wall!

                                                  His wife has ( just about) forgiven him.

                                                  So you going to Harrogate then Graham?

                                                  Regards Ian

                                                  Oompa Lumpa
                                                    Posted by Ian Welford on 07/05/2015 22:01:16

                                                    So you going to Harrogate then Graham?

                                                    Regards Ian

                                                    Oh yes going on atsturday.

                                                    Anyone bought one of those fractional calipers? Always wondered about them and just fancy getting one……


                                                    David Colwill

                                                      Over the last couple of days I have been fitting tapered gibs to the mini lathe. I made the gibs from brass and have had some problems with distortion due to, I think, internal stress. I'd be interested to hear if anyone has any thoughts on this and if this is the case, to know how to stress relive brass. The lathe is back together and although the gibs are not perfect ( I'm going to remake them), the results so far are much better than before.



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