Mauser action, shortened bolt, will it ever work! What cal. is it going to be? When Kenya banned the ownership of guns they were all collected in a store and years later when most of the owners had died or left Kenya they disposed of them. Good Mauser actions were cut off about 1" past the breech and shipped to the USA for re-barreling. Shotguns of superior quality also had barrels cut off and sold for about the equivelant of £10-20. all sent to Antwerp . Quite easy to re-sleeve with new barrels I understand. I had a nice 12g S/S Simson/Suhl. which I brought home.
Pistols all shipped out to Antwerp as well, lots of Mausers and Lugers and other relics all worth good money. My friend the gunsmith tasked with the job, Len Bull, was heartbroken in what he had to do. One funny thing was that the hand in left people with loads of ammunition. and I was able to feed my 8x57JRS and the 8x60JS Express with free hand outs. In fact when I left I had to very carefully dispose of my stock. Kynock No1.s and No 2.s were going up in price and I was able to get them for nothing to help a Game warden. Len made a 45/70 using a Winchester underlever action, He made a lot of guns by re-barrelling. He had the first Ruger Blackhawk and I was in love with it straightaway, eventually getting my own plus a Ruger Redhawk.