What did you do today (2015)


What did you do today (2015)

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  • #188432

      Cut the transfer passages and exhaust ports into the 5cc Aero's cylinder

      Then lapped the bore


      Edited By JasonB on 02/05/2015 20:38:46

      Clive Hartland

        Excellent work there Jason, I hope the engines run as good as they look.


        john carruthers


          Toby the Lab and Milo the Patterdale. Patterdales make good shed dogs and are mighty slayers of mice.

          Edited By john carruthers on 03/05/2015 08:22:09


            John, why are Patterdales good shed dogs (sorry, never heard of them before), and what was the Lab crossed with, Border Collie suggests itself.


            john carruthers

              You are correct Chris, Toby is an epileptic wusshound, a collie x lab.
              patterdale (1)sm.jpg 
              Not unlike a JR,  Patterdales are a proud dog of the working man, they are 'good doers' and will live on next to nothing, rats for preference (but they do like Dinsleydale cheese). This one was a rescue, very fierce, completely untrainable though he has calmed a bit. He guards the shed and sometimes will not let anyone in, even me. If it moves he will try to kill it.

              Edited By john carruthers on 03/05/2015 12:28:26

              roy entwistle

                Patterdale terriers were bred as a complement to the Patterdale fox hounds they were used to flush foxes that had gone to ground

                Boiler Bri

                  Ok enough dogs, can we get back to engineering, PLEASE.

                  Looking good there Jason.


                  Neil Wyatt


                    I leave you lot alone for a few days and already the forum has gone to the dogs.


                    ANDY CAWLEY
                      Posted by Neil Wyatt on 03/05/2015 18:36:20:


                      I leave you lot alone for a few days and already the forum has gone to the dogs.



                        Posted by Neil Wyatt on 03/05/2015 18:36:20:


                        I leave you lot alone for a few days and already the forum has gone to the dogs.


                        Been quite nice not having to look at all those astronomical photossmile p where have you been Neil, locked in a dark room with your telescope?

                        John Haine

                          Finally added the keypad overlay to my Ward division controller. Colour laser printed, laminated, stuck to an escutcheon milled from FR4 PCB material, screwed on to front panel. Looks serviceable, though not a design masterpiece. Will save me having to memorise what the keys do!



                            Hi All

                            Not used my Division Master for a few months needed to divide some holes on my little modified 3" Southworth. The divisions were all over the place dropped an email to Lester Cain who gave me a couple of ideas. When all else fails read the handbook the penny dropped check the worm wheel setting it had defaulted to 90:1 I need 60:1 – Stupid Sod – all now well with my world.


                            ron grimshaw

                              Accounts all day such fun.

                              john carruthers

                                waiting for our daughter to turn up with her *** I had a few hours to kill so made a little wobbler. Lead flywheel.


                                Capstan Speaking

                                  *** ?

                                  The mind boggles. Did you hit a swear filter? wink


                                    More of a work in progress… have started on a 'Educational model' engine this month; it is a simplified representation of a paddle wheel engine for schools / education systems… & general interest…

                                    Frame assembly..

                                    educational model frame (1).jpg

                                    educational model frame (2).jpg

                                    Some parts completed with flywheel marked out…

                                    educational model flywheel(4).jpg

                                    Flywheel marking out…

                                    educational model flywheel(7).jpg

                                    To be cont.


                                    Capstan Speaking

                                      Spent the morning cleaning up my new toy. Scrubbed up well.

                                      It came as a job lot including a huge Herbert indexer laugh

                                      I have some bits from the lot that are surplus to requirements which I'll put in the For Sale section. There are some freebies going too.

                                      My mill

                                      Clive Hartland

                                        001 (500 x 375).jpgWent into the Pound Shop today and found these Ice stick trays, just the right size for cutters etc,

                                        Edited By Clive Hartland on 04/05/2015 14:32:10

                                        Russell Eberhardt
                                          Posted by ron grimshaw on 04/05/2015 07:49:04:

                                          Accounts all day such fun.

                                          Not as much fun as doing a French income tax return with all the instructions being in rather obscure French sad



                                            Bit more done on the 5cc over the last two days.

                                            Made the cylinder head

                                            Made two crankshaft bearings. The first one I roughed down to 13mm (for 12.7mm finish) and then drilled out to 9mm which is when it decided to distort which I have not had before with bronze round? Second attempt I drilled a bit more gently then bored to 9.8mm and finished with one of ARCs 10mm machine reamers that I had just bought to complete the bore which came out nicely.

                                            Had a slight "oh bu**er" moment when I though the two parts had got stuck while testing the press fit and could not get them apart.

                                            Got them apart in the end and then promptly pressed the bearing in all the way.

                                              Posted by Russell Eberhardt on 04/05/2015 15:50:20:

                                              Posted by ron grimshaw on 04/05/2015 07:49:04:

                                              Accounts all day such fun.

                                              Not as much fun as doing a French income tax return with all the instructions being in rather obscure French sad


                                              Stakes are raised. How about 3 inter-related Canadian tax returns for recent emigrants – with instructions in both English and French? Just made the deadline last week with 2 days to go. Good times….

                                              john carruthers

                                                not model engineering but at least it's amateur metalwork….

                                                swept hilt rapier jc.jpg

                                                It's a swept hilt rapier for one of the Sealed Knot guys, tool steel blade, BM rod for the hilt, bone handle plates wrapped in twisted wire.
                                                What I like is the variety of approaches for these jobs;
                                                " a friend suggested/recomended you.. …"

                                                " ..if you get a free moment…."/"if you get a minute.."

                                                "Could you do me a small favour…?"

                                                Bob Brown 1

                                                  Made a start machining the ports, waiting on a long slot milling cutter to machine the ports through from either end.


                                                  While waiting made a start drilling and tapping the holes for the covers, certainly easier with the DRO.



                                                  Oompa Lumpa

                                                    Went over to collect a rifle action from a chap. He had bought it just for some of the parts so I can build him a rifle, he went to pick it up and it was all wrapped up for him. He used some very interesting language as he described variously the person who had owned it and the person who had "modified" it.
                                                    I must confess I was at a bit of a loss myself.



                                                    Ho Hum!


                                                    Clive Hartland

                                                      Mauser action, shortened bolt, will it ever work! What cal. is it going to be? When Kenya banned the ownership of guns they were all collected in a store and years later when most of the owners had died or left Kenya they disposed of them. Good Mauser actions were cut off about 1" past the breech and shipped to the USA for re-barreling. Shotguns of superior quality also had barrels cut off and sold for about the equivelant of £10-20. all sent to Antwerp . Quite easy to re-sleeve with new barrels I understand. I had a nice 12g S/S Simson/Suhl. which I brought home.

                                                      Pistols all shipped out to Antwerp as well, lots of Mausers and Lugers and other relics all worth good money. My friend the gunsmith tasked with the job, Len Bull, was heartbroken in what he had to do. One funny thing was that the hand in left people with loads of ammunition. and I was able to feed my 8x57JRS and the 8x60JS Express with free hand outs. In fact when I left I had to very carefully dispose of my stock. Kynock No1.s and No 2.s were going up in price and I was able to get them for nothing to help a Game warden. Len made a 45/70 using a Winchester underlever action, He made a lot of guns by re-barrelling. He had the first Ruger Blackhawk and I was in love with it straightaway, eventually getting my own plus a Ruger Redhawk.


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