What did you do today (2015)


What did you do today (2015)

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  • #188185

      Loved all the quotes – really set me up for the day today, keep them coming guys.

      Like most, the only one's I use on a regular basis are "if it aint broke don't fixed it" and "non illigitimus carborundum" , all whilst under the flag depicting the symbols of the "crossed shifting spanner and french letter" which means "fix it or ……. it".


      Capstan Speaking

        They had me making hundreds of little plasticine men today.

        They said it was character building.


          Captain Speaking – is this therapy or just showing off to Grandchildren? 😀

          Capstan Speaking

            T'was a pun that I spun.

            Looks like I got away with it. wink

            Clive Hartland

              My own is, 'I know what I am doing but it is the other people that frighten me'. and another is, 'If it leaves me alone then I will leave it alone', that in reference to religion!


              Ed Duffner

                Making progress on a simple rotary broaching tool to make some volume/tone control knobs for an electric guitar. More photos are in my first album.

                It's almost complete, I just need to decide how the shaft will secure into the bearings, probably Loctite. This has a 1° angular offset (wobble) and the bit has a 1° taper (2° inclusive angle).




                  Sad day today. Many of our club were at the funeral of St Albans member David Saunders who had served 55 years on the committee during his lifetime membership, following his father who was a founder member. Many of you may have met him, without knowing specifically, on our club stand at shows over the last few decades, at the Gt Dorset or Guildford rallies driving his Marshall or using it to run a saw bench.

                  Martin W


                    My good lady informed me that her wrist watch was slack on her wrist and it needed a link removing from the bracelet. Having had problems in past with these tiny pins I wandered off to my quite space and searched through the scrap box, found a bit of round brass and a 4mm cap head bolt. A little time on the WM14 mill and the little lathe and hey presto a watch bracelet pin remover. Job done and a few extra and unexpected brownie points to be exchanged for shed time at a later date

                    Wound up looking like this



                    pin 2.jpg


                    The pin was turned down to 1mm then tapered, worked a treat.


                    Edited By Martin W on 30/04/2015 23:58:58

                    Edited By Martin W on 01/05/2015 00:01:47


                      hello everyone newby typing .l spent the day creating e mail account, that was a first , then signed in here! so this is my first ever venture into the paper less world! have been reading the posts on here for awhile now so thought to give it ago ,can see digi camera going to be purchased soon ! pictures really are going to be worth a thousand words cos am really slow at typing .the last four lines have taken best part of couple of hours . for those who maybe wondering about the nick name , that was thanks to my grandfather I was about four yr old I was sat on a straight back chair doing that kids thing that kids do namely swinging one leg back and forth after a bit pop as he was known looked over at me and said "steve will you for gods sake stop bodging about." so stop I did ,twenty minutes or so went by and I had forgotten, he must have guessed as much because he looked over at me and in normal quiet voice said " oi bodge " he had a wry smile on his face when he said that ,it worked ! and I was bodge from then on for a good few years ! this would have been mid 1950s so the nick name is in the memory of ol Pop.

                      I see J S is on form as usual, if I see sharp wing on the horizon I shall leave the room, as I have a few things to attend to , " I may be gone sometime."

                      Clive what the news on the bees ? I have a rosemary bush near the front door in flower and the bees love it , see lots of different types.


                      Danny M2Z

                        Here's another of my favourites.

                        Nothing can be made 100% foolproof because fools are so ingenious.

                        I have been on the blunt end of this one a few times – once when a 'mate' managed to short out the electrical system of a Queenair 10,000 feet over the highlands of Nui Guinea. Same bloke screwed the decoding of a grid reference and I ended up in a mangrove swamp with our own 84mm mortar rounds landing nearby – when we got back I got a bollocking from the ASM for being away for so long. He (mate) had used 'yesterdays' code book. Fortunately the only damage was to my passenger's undies – it was his first deployment.

                        The trouble is, he was a really nice bloke and a good mate – just very dangerous.

                        Same mate built a 400W linear amplifier on 27MHz (CB) and asked me to help him sort it out – he had laid the directional yagi antenna in the attic but had a massive SWR – until I pointed out that he had a corrugated iron tin roof over it.

                        And then there was the time he gave me a lift, we filled up with petrol, he hit the transmit button on his boot mounted high powered CB and reset all the fuel pump gauges.

                        Like I said, fools can be very ingenious.

                        * Danny M *

                        Clive Hartland

                          Bodge, that has so many connotations! firstly the bees, they are doing fine but again as last year the weather over the winter and Spring has slowed them down. I have managed to sell two overwintered Nucleus hives to deserving people. Both tyro's and just beginning their beekeeping experience. The bees await warmer weather and will not do much until there is a nectar flow. This will only happen if there is a Temperature of 20-22 C for at least 3 days.

                          Anyway, welcome to the Forum so let us know what you are doing and any speciality you work in. You should make yourself a profile in the Forum. Do you yet have any machinery etc. Have you any pet project you are going to follow?



                            As this thread seems to range far and wide here is something I " did today" – I came across this little gem on one of my wife's sites – hope it makes you smile too!


                            A poor guy walks up to the rich guy's house. He's down on his luck and needs some money. He rings the doorbell. "Hi there, I'm down on my luck, need some money, and I was wondering if you have any work I could do for you?"

                            The rich Guy decides to give him a break, and says: "Sure, my porch needs painting. I'll pay you 50 pounds to do it for me." "Sure thing, Mister, I'll get started right away!" Time passes, until… "Hey Mister, I'm all done painting!" "Well, here's your 50 pounds" "Thanks, and by the way it's a Ferrari, not a Porsche."

                            Jon Gibbs

                              Finally got around to fitting a DOL starter to my old Myford lathe in front of the Dewhurst reversing switch.

                              Hopefully the Dewhurst switch contacts will last a bit longer if they're not switching under load.

                              Unfortunately the starter stop switch is a bit small so I added a mushroom stop switch as well for good measure.



                                Welcome bodge.

                                Do like the nickname, and very appropriate for some of the things we get up to – speaking about myself of course

                                Very little wind today so replaced the two Carport roofing sheets that blew away on Tuesday, plus did my best to cure a leak at the join between the old and new Carport roof sections, by adding two more sheets.

                                If it still leaks, then you will all hear me shouting, screaming and swearing in true navy fashion.

                                Geoff – TIG time back on course after a clear up.

                                Clive Hartland

                                  I was wondering if anyone has been following the Comet? Some of the pictures coming through now are quite astounding. The Probe is now standing off from the Comet due to the amount of dust and debri coming off. Have a look at, ESA Rosetta and go to the Blog entry.Perihelion is mid year coming.The Corona is increasing almost daily.



                                    Clive, thanks for the welcome, and pleased to here the bees are doing fine, its been quite sunny for a good few days where I live and up around the 20c mark also seen a few butterflies and a damselfly pit stopped briefly on a south facing wall, that was about a fortnight ago. l live about as far north as you can get on a BH post code.

                                    Yes I do have the basics, 4×20 lathe. 10 inch shaper, and quite a large J&S sensitive drill .are the main stays also have 3 1/2 x16 1902/3 drummond dont have treadle for it though, so motorized it myford style ,ie motor & counter shaft at back of headstock its usable but have few more bits still to do ,have 4×30 inch in bits total rebuild job ! though the lead screw & halve nuts are in very good condition for 1941 lathe. Thinking about replacing js drill as it takes up as much room as a milling machine and is just as heavy 120kg-ish workshop space is small 10×61/2 feet , all old mangles by to days standards but they were cheapish to buy,as all have need something fixing or replacing , the 4×30 needs a complete saddle made & cross slide ! should keep me busy for awhile once I find suitable size piece of M/S. If I need to get it up and running in a hurry i can use the saddle off the other 4 inch, have not had the 4×30 very long about 6 months, the 4×20 Ive had for the last 12 yr, about same for shaper and js drill.

                                    Yes profile I did think about that and have looked at other folks profiles I see some folk do and some dont ,to tell the truth I rarely look at folks profiles and then usually only if they refer to album for further pics and may not bother then, so thought I would get digi camera asp they are the easiest way to get info across, I dont think I need any thing more than basic ! I was thinking like price wise eighty pound-ish might suffice ? I think good close up imaging would most desirable so may have to go a bit higher.

                                    Short profile Into aircraft ind at 15 early 1969 BAC 111& Concorde parts when the Concorde orders fell through they tried keeping going by sub contracting to the various space programs, but by73 it was about finished, made redundant ! went into machine engraving for awhile, [money not good so left,] back to engineering, Pumps & compressors pneumatic, more machine engraving ,back to engineering hydraulics pumps and spool blocks. I think this more than I would have put in profile, safe to say im not likely to get lost in a machine shop.


                                    Clive Hartland

                                      Steve, aka, 'Bodge'. Nice to hear back from you and a resume of work in hand and what you have. I mentioned the weather about the bees, they are happy when the Sun shines but stay indoors when its dull and cold like today which barely raised 10 C here. also with a cold wind to boot. I make a lot of my own bee equipment and also make up hives for the Bee Shop up the road. Customers always seem to make a cock up with them ! I ran an engraving section while in the army and employed 2 men full time. mainly remembrance plaques for the church and also some official work that was used for trials on sights. Open work frames with lead ins for tracking aircraft.I have a Myford ML10 with a few accessories and a Seig3 Mill with optical scales fitted. and an Aceria drill run off an inverter.

                                      Current model is an Evening Star in 3.5 gauge but stuck for a boiler. see my pics. Space in my workshop is a battle between bee stuff and engineering. At the moment the bees are winning by taking up too much space with boxes of combs etc.



                                        Geoff thanks for the welcome.

                                        Pleased you like the nick name the story ol Pop is quite true . Green wood chair bodgers would have been a common sight in Pops day. I see in some places its making a come back, nothing wrong with a bit of bodging all part the history of turning lathes.


                                        Boiler Bri

                                          May you have many little puddles and parcels left during the training 😁. Cute little thing.

                                          My wife is allergic to dogs so we have never had one. Must be a nice feeling having a loyal pet😇.



                                            Well done John – years of fun ahead.

                                            In my view you can have no better mate than a dog and no better dog than a terrier although, as you may see from my avtar, we might differ on the variety !



                                            Clive Hartland

                                              There is only one Terrier, and that is an Airedale. Also known as the waterside terrier, originally bred for otter hunting. I have had 4 over the years and they are a handful but they are determined and faithful and loyal. Very good guard dogs and also I trained mine for hunting and retrieving, he also worked to hand signals and whistle and would bring the sheep in without any chasing. Another would take out the cows in the morning and then bring them back at evening for milking. The first one we had during the war and he would hear the German bombers long before the sirens went, and he would get up and lie under the table and my Ma would tell me to join the dog there. He slept on my bed and would moan at me if I pushed against him. he walked to school with me and would meet me at dinnertime but not in the evening. I am too old now to get another but would really like one again.



                                                I'm getting the hydroplane built up for the Harrogate show if time permits have a new steam generator inner and outer stainless 0.004" shim cases to make other wise the old beat up ones will have to be fitted.

                                                With all the heat and contraction the old ones look a bit worse for wear I'll be on the P.E.E.M.S. stand if you are going please introduce yourself.


                                                Capstan Speaking

                                                  Got a mill today. teeth 2

                                                  Unknown unbranded job but a bit like a predecessor to a Warco Minor. It's pretty brutal and I ache so much now.

                                                  Vices, indexer and loads of goodies.

                                                  Now I need to get a large tin of elbow grease and a catering pack of TLC.


                                                    Ah John, A Staffie is not for you then! We've had them for the last 30 years and walking to heel is not one of their strong points! They are though the most affectionate and amusing of dogs – great with kids and very "people" friendly. Yes you do need to be careful around other dogs – they are not aggressive but will respond, robustly, to any challenge.

                                                    My wife had a Jack Russell ( an excellent ratter) when I met her and this was loved dearly by all the family.   My Father – in – Law, a farmer, had a project at one time to breed a few rabbits for the pot. One day he left their hatch unlatched and they all got out. Quick as a flash the Jack Russell laid them all out in a row ! She was in his bad books for quite a while!


                                                    Edited By NJH on 02/05/2015 19:53:10

                                                    Martin Cottrell

                                                      Spent today fitting DRO kit & setting up my new toy, hopefully now I can continue progress with my 4" Little Samson traction engine! Martin.


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