What did I do today? What did I do today? What DID I do today?
Oh yeah I hung the four way extention on the wall since I was getting fed up with tripping over the leads and head-butting the walls.
Drilled a blank angle plate ready to mill slots in it.
Got way-layed by a neighbour to go shopping. (I got a couple of ham and tomato rolls out of it so I musn't grumble.)
Modified the ten mill bolts I bought yesterday (various lengths) for use on the Mini Mill. (what's the betting they'll all fall between the lengths of fixing bolts I need). Such is life.
Must get some round tubing to make spacers for my clamping kit. (proably end up with a tea chest full of bits and bobs for clamping and nothing else at this rate.)
One last thing I did other than breathing in and out was descale the filter thingy on the kettle in vinegar. It was pouring anywhere but out of the spout. The water down here is hard thats why no one smiles as their faces set after they have had a wash.
Edited By Jesse Hancock 1 on 29/04/2015 20:53:11