What did you do today (2015)


What did you do today (2015)

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    Rik Shaw

      Neil – Both. They repaired the lathe by fitting a new control board. I checked with them this morn and the control board itself is covered by a twelve month warranty.



        My Drummond looks better value every day – not a single electrical fault in its hundred year history – and I think the warranty on the treadle has another hundred years to run, laugh though this 'motor' might fail in 10-20 years.

        Oompa Lumpa

          Went on the hunt for a 4MT to Myford adaptor and discovered there were none so nipped into one of my favourite tool shops and bought this:

          mt4 cutter.jpg

          Perfect, threaded for a drawbar too. Going to cut the end off, weld something decent to it and cut a thread.
          God knows how much it must have cost but I gave a fiver for it.

          As an aside, if anyone wants the two parting off tool holders shown in the pic, PM me your address and I will put them in the post for you.


          Jesse Hancock 1

            Set up the Mini Mill, doubled the thickness of the bench and srewed it down to the floor and to the wall. Today bought some bolts ten off. (Don't you just love prepacks?) Oh well the spares may come in handy later maybe. Yes I'm like most Model Engineers where by I save everything just in case. Problem these days is I can't remember I've got it until I return home with another one!!!

            Anyway I must get on and try some swarf production and maybe then I can look at trying to put an edge on End Cutters.

            As they say: We are all in the S**t it's only the depth that varies.

            Bob Brown 1
              Posted by Jesse Hancock 1 on 29/04/2015 10:16:12:

              Anyway I must get on and try some swarf production and maybe then I can look at trying to put an edge on End Cutters.

              Without a tool grinder putting an edge on end or slot mills is next to impossible as you want all the flutes to cut not just one.


              Martin Kyte


                You may well be :-

                "semper in excretia sumus, solim profundum variat"

                But don't for get that:

                "Excreta Tauri Confoundum Intelligentsia"

                regards Martin



                  Ne illigitemi carborundum descendit et…

                  Bob Brown 1

                    suppose there's always "aut viam inveniam aut faciam"

                    John Stevenson 1

                      Is that Latin for " The excrement has hit the whirly thing ? "

                      Although I went to a school approved by HM Government, we dint do Latin

                      Martin Kyte

                        Na it's what you do John.

                        aut viam inveniam aut faciam

                        "If I can't find a way I'll make one"



                        Capstan Speaking

                          Sic transit gloria mundi…

                          Tuesday is going to be worse.

                          John Stevenson 1
                            Posted by Capstan Speaking on 29/04/2015 14:35:38:

                            Sic transit gloria mundi…


                            So a 3 tonne Fiat Ducato is no good then ?

                            Capstan Speaking

                              As long as no-one called Gloria has been in it. eww

                              Jeff Dayman

                                Tempus fujitsu, as they say in Japan.

                                Jesse Hancock 1
                                  Posted by John Stevenson on 29/04/2015 14:08:27:

                                  Is that Latin for " The excrement has hit the whirly thing ? "

                                  Although I went to a school approved by HM Government, we dint do Latin

                                  Well after all these years I'm still learning Oarstralian with some Brizolian thrown in and that's plenty for me mate.

                                  Jesse Hancock 1

                                    What did I do today? What did I do today? What DID I do today?

                                    Oh yeah I hung the four way extention on the wall since I was getting fed up with tripping over the leads and head-butting the walls.

                                    Drilled a blank angle plate ready to mill slots in it.

                                    Got way-layed by a neighbour to go shopping. (I got a couple of ham and tomato rolls out of it so I musn't grumble.)

                                    Modified the ten mill bolts I bought yesterday (various lengths) for use on the Mini Mill. (what's the betting they'll all fall between the lengths of fixing bolts I need). Such is life.

                                    Must get some round tubing to make spacers for my clamping kit. (proably end up with a tea chest full of bits and bobs for clamping and nothing else at this rate.)disgust

                                    One last thing I did other than breathing in and out was descale the filter thingy on the kettle in vinegar. It was pouring anywhere but out of the spout. The water down here is hard thats why no one smiles as their faces set after they have had a wash.

                                    Edited By Jesse Hancock 1 on 29/04/2015 20:53:11

                                    martin perman 1

                                      Well after seven months wearing an Aircast on my right foot which left me virtually house bound I'm now wearing specially made shoes which has allowed me to get about and regain my freedom and today I ventured into my garage to have a major tidy up and to make space for the Bender/roller/Guillotine that Machine Mart have recently introduced in their range of tools, it will help me make fuel tanks for my engines instead of using a modified mangle for rolling tubes and angles for bending etc.

                                      Martin P

                                      Bruce Edney

                                        I was allowed to purchase a second hand mill – can't wait to pick it up smiley – absolutely heart my wife



                                        Neil Wyatt

                                          Watch it you guys, I have a PhD in Scatology and you can't sneak your scabellae past me


                                          Danny M2Z

                                            Today I read a wonderful quote to the oldies club where I volunteer to help out.

                                            Attributed to Albert Einstein, but I cannot confirm that.

                                            “The difference between intelligence and stupidity is that there is a limit to intelligence".

                                            They loved it, I hope that you do.

                                            * Danny M *

                                            Oompa Lumpa

                                              Danny, thanks for that I love quotes and collect them (sad or what) and this is one of my favourites:

                                              “Man surprised me most about humanity. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”……..Dalai Lama

                                              Which can be summed up: "All men die, few truly live."



                                                I had a Latin(sic) quote on my work desk for years.

                                                Uno lotto victorum et perceptus rectum terra

                                                One good win on the lottery and you won't see my arse for dust…….

                                                Jon Gibbs

                                                  For the toolaholics amongst us…

                                                  Man is a Tool-using Animal; weak in himself, and of small stature, he stands on a basis, at most for the flattest-soled, of some half-square foot, insecurely enough; has to straddle out his legs, lest the very wind supplant him. Feeblest of bipeds! Three quintals are a crushing load to him; the steer of the meadow tosses him aloft, like a waste rag. Nevertheless he can use tools, can devise tools; with these the granite mountain melts into light dust before him; he kneads glowing iron, as if it were soft paste; seas are his smooth highway, winds and fire his unwearying steeds. Nowhere do you find him without tools; without tools he is nothing, with tools he is all.

                                                  – Thomas Carlyle

                                                  David Colwill

                                                    My favourite is about objectionable people.

                                                    Those that mind don't matter, those that matter don't mind.



                                                    John Stevenson 1

                                                      I only have and need one.


                                                      God grant me the serenity
                                                      to accept the things I cannot change;
                                                      courage to change the things I can;
                                                      and wisdom to know the difference
                                                      and send me angels with wings as sharp
                                                      as razors to cut the heads off those
                                                      bastards that annoy me



                                                      My coffee mats:-



                                                      John S.

                                                      Edited By John Stevenson on 30/04/2015 11:50:18

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