The column is now rigid and I have flipped the electrics box using just the top fixings, so gained a couple of allen screws yippey!
The box is very light so no issues in securing it. Messing around relocating the wires brought back memories and also (first time ever) cramp in my hand. Darn that hurts.
It's not perfect because the main cable now meanders behind the motor to the emergency stop and speed control but that will have to be for another day. Note it's not stretched at all. Just looks odd (Bodged).
In retrospect it's probably just as easy to take both boxes off, bore another large hole on the opposite side of the large box and obtain a length of three core lead ready (It's painfully short anyway) for the change if you're contemplating this alteration. Also a disc or rubber bung to seal the redundant hole.
Having taken the cross table off I now reinstalled it and checked the ease of movement on the X movement handle. It seemed tight, so I fiddled about trying to adjust the gib for some length of time until the penny dropped. I had tightened the locking handle so as to get at the corrugated swarf guard fixings. Never too old to learn or is it forget?
Next a nice piece of U section ground to clean from my old works. I hope the boss still remembers me kindly as I haven't dropped in over most of the Winter.