Last weekend got my digital dividing head working.

This is a Myford dividing head equipper with a stepper motor driving through a 2:1 timing belt reduction, mounted on the VMB table.

Built Steve Ward's controller kit with display borad from eBay and a Routeout CNC stepper controller that's been in a draw for years. Once the components were on the PCB and everything assembled, applied power and it sprang to life. Needed a slight tweaking on the config to drive the stepper. Still need to do the button overlay to label them and an escutcheon round the keypad.

This is inside the Eddystone box that houses everything. You cant see the display board because it's sandwiched underneath the controller at top left. I used my little CNC mill to make the cutouts in the lid for the buttons, the keypad fitted perfectly first time.

Cloase-up of the worm. I knocked out the taper pin holding it to the original shaft (which incidentally pushed it slightly out of true), put the worm in a collet and enlarged the bore to 10mm, fitted a new shaft with Loctite(10mm to fit worm, turned down to 8mm for bearings), bored out the bracket for needle roller bearings (8mm bore x 12mm OD), refitted worm with ball thrust races top and botton. There's an ali block bolted to the top of the bracket and the motor plate (1/4 aluminium) is bolted to that through short slots to allow some adjustment of belt tension. The bottom bearing of the bracket was removed to allow machining, but there is space to fit one back but no apparent need as with rolling bearings there's no play in the shaft when the bearings are preloaded.
Unit is powered with 20 volts from my bench PSU and takes about 4.5 amps when running. Steve's controller is an excellent item, highly recommended.
One more project (nearly) off the list! I may also add a motor to a little "Sharp" rotary table at some stage.
Edited By John Haine on 25/04/2015 07:33:13