Well yesterday actually. Got up early and went out to the gliding club as I was standby, ie, second, tug pilot. Discover that the second tug is phut as the front oleo has gone soft.
Then I inspected and signed off as fit to fly a single seat glider where the new owner had had a rigging wobbly. One wing had fallen off a trestle during rigging and the spar end had damaged the fuselage skin. It was also my day in the Nimbus 3DT so eventually got it out and flew with my syndicate partner, taking it in turns to fly for an hour at a time. By no means a classic day; a strong NE wind which generally means sea air from the Wash will eventually kill the thermals around Cambridge. We ended up doing about 160km. We had one wobbly near Newmarket. We both heard an aircraft, but couldn't see it. Then I looked up and saw a big ex-miltary trainer doing aerobatics; going over the top of a loop and coming down towards us. Equals a left turn and exit the area sharpish. We ended up over the Newport Pagnall services on the M1 with a 45km run into a 15kt+ head wind to get back. The sky didn't look great, as it was going blue. Much to my surprise I flew back without turning, just pulling up under the wisps of cloud gained a few hundred feet and that was enough to get us to the next wisps and so on.
I even did some machining in the evening. After a few minor tool tweaks I machined about half of a batch of 5/16" BSF nuts that will hold the cylinder to the boiler on my traction engines:

The thickness of the nuts is 5/16" as per the old Whitworth standard, but the AF value is 0.525" as per the new standard, as I don't think there is enough room for the larger AF nuts. I wonder what the rivet counters will make of that. I don't have a 0.525" hex collet so I fudged it using a 15mm round collet. Time will tell if that is adequate for tapping the nuts as well.
Gardening today, and cutting the lawns.
Edited By Andrew Johnston on 19/04/2015 11:04:17