I keep pinching myself and wondering if I am really part of the human race.
I stayed home waiting for a delivery from Machine Mart (a larger Milling machine). A blue Transit arrived? No markings so it seems those profit conscious people at Machine Mart employ a private company to deliver for them. No harm in that.
Youngish guy jumps out. I call out "Good morning." to him as you do. My anticipation grew as he semi jogged his way to the rear doors and opened them. With that "I've bought myself a birthday present feeling." rising in my mind.
The guy, late twenties, longish hair, struggles a bit to slide the parcel to the lip of the van, I'm making my way up the steps to perhaps help a bit. He bear-hugs the parcel and semi drops / slides it to the roadside. The hair on my neck prickles a little at the manner of transfer.
I look at the box it clearly shows a Mini Lathe in it's Clarke yellow livery!!!!
"Take it back mate it's wrong." His jaw dropped almost as heavily as he had dropped the box but luckily the top end still rested on the lip of the van. His face changed to a rye grin, "Yeah I've had this trouble from them before. Can you sign this just to say I tried?" I sign his bit of paper and look in the back of the van. No rope, not even a bit of string. I thought about an emergency stop and the weight of the lathe 40K trying to imagine the damage to the lathe, never mind the thump in the back he would get.
I shout "Bye. Drive carefully and have a good day. At least the sun is out." I watch as he roars off down the road.
Experience comes at a price.