What did you do today (2015)


What did you do today (2015)

Home Forums The Tea Room What did you do today (2015)

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  • #185625
    Ian S C

      Anzani 6 cylinder aero engineAndy, would the spring be better vertical, down behind the chain wheels, that would give better tension to the jockey wheel.

      Ian S C

      This is the real thing at the vintage aircraft museum at Omaka at the northern end of the South Island of NZ. This is a 2 row radial engine.

      Edited By Ian S C on 05/04/2015 12:22:47

      Neil Wyatt

        Good programme on the Computer Museum on R4 at the moment.


        Neil Wyatt

          Crumbs Geoff,

          You've been working on this for 16 months!

          You have also left a trail of disruption across the web!

          At last I can reveal what the petrifying prisoner looks like!

          Not sure it's scarier than some of the petrifying pensioners I've come across


          Michael Gilligan

            Decided to have a go at the horrific Gib Strip from the Cross Slide on my ML7R

            Readers may remember that it looked like this:


            … due to the rather unfortunate adjusting-technique employed by the previous owner.

            I am pleased to report success.

            With the strip supported like a bridge, spanning two timbers; a nylon-faced hammer did the trick.

            Cleaned up the wear on the bearing surface with a diamond hone, and it's good-as-new [maybe better].


            Edited By Michael Gilligan on 05/04/2015 14:16:45

            Edited By Michael Gilligan on 05/04/2015 14:18:20

            “Bill Hancox”

              Getting ready to bed the Kimber 22 LR. Made a set of pillars using 1/2" 316 stainless bored to 9/32". Although the previous owner had it aluminum pillar bedded, I was not impressed by the quality of the work. A bit of work to machine the pillar profiles for a good fit. The receiver is 1.155" in diameter. Ended up using a small fly cutter which was a bit of a nuisance to set to center and to the proper radius. pillars were set up and centered on the lathe vertical slide. When the job was done (as usual) it struck me that I should have turned a ring gauge on the lathe with an inside diameter equal to the receiver diameter. Adjusting the fly cutter would have been quicker and easier… next time I will try to remember that. This job will be followed by epoxy bedding. The local supplier of my epoxy supplies went belly up so I need to do a 2-hour road trip tomorrow to replenish my kits.

              kimber pillars.jpg

              pillar profile.jpg




                I had an issue that has been bugging me for sometime. – One I must admit to being purely my own fault. blush

                One of the first things I bought for the lathe not quite 12 months ago was a 4 jaw Bison chuck. I was at the Harrogate show with coins in my pocket and quickly snaffled the new chuck from one vendor and a cheap D1-3 backplate to mount it on from another. …………………… It was not until I got home that I realised the PCD of the D1-3 studs was near as damit the same as the 4 Jaws mounting ones. sad

                This meant that one of the 4 chuck bolts was always going to be a hit onto the top of one of the three in the backplate. Oh dear.!

                Now being full of gusto and not wanting to loose the nice new Bison chuck I had purchased I pondered and considered that as I would only be making lightish cuts that mounting the chuck with just three bolts 'maybe' would be OK. And to a point it may have been. …………. That is had I not made a cobblers of the size of the register in the backplate. (undersize)

                It was usable. But it always bugged me. – I had the idea that using an extra adaptor plate between the backplate and the chuck would solve the issue. But adding weight the the chuck unit, which I am not sure of the pro's and con's of.? (advice please)

                The other day at a friend of mines workshop he donated a piece of steel that had been cut out of something else that would be suitable.

                I am not sure (and he cannot remember) what grade of steel it is. But it beautiful to machine. smiley It is magnetic so it ain't stainless. and the swarf when taking a reasonable cut turns a pale brassy tone. But I would like to know what it is though.?

                Anyway. This is what I did. :-

                The only chuck I had large enough to hold it was the guilty 4 jaw. I faced it off and machined the female rebate into it that would key onto the new one I would cut on the cast backplate. Drilled the center out and bored it to the same size as the chuck bore.

                Some PCD holes to give clearance for the M8 mounting bolts, followed by an end mill to countersink them.

                I then cut the male register on the cast iron backplate. (the correct size this time wink . ) This was followed by corresponding tapped holes to match the adaptor plate. The plates were then mounted together. The other side then faced and a register to match that of the chuck.

                Some more PCD holes for the four M10 chuck mounting bolts.

                And here it is ready to have the chuck mounted. smiley But this time with 4 bolts and the correct size register.! cheeky


                “Bill Hancox”
                  Posted by "Bill Hancox" on 05/04/2015 23:45:21:

                  Getting ready to bed the Kimber 22 LR.

                  Clarification required as I never make misteaks.. Ring gauge diameter needs to be machined internally to reflect the radius of the required cut PLUS half the radius of the fly cutter body. Maybe even a milled slot to provide access to the locking screws while making the adjustment.


                  ANDY CAWLEY

                    Posted by Ian S C on 05/04/2015 12:05:21:


                    Anzani 6 cylinder aero engineAndy, would the spring be better vertical, down behind the chain wheels, that would give better tension to the jockey wheel.

                    Ian S C

                    This is the real thing at the vintage aircraft museum at Omaka at the northern end of the South Island of NZ. This is a 2 row radial engine.

                    Edited By Ian S C on 05/04/2015 12:22:47

                    Hey Ian, mine's the real thing as well😉!! Just happens to be a 4 cylinder water cold car engine.

                    You are right about the spring angle but I ran out of time and patience.

                    Edited By ANDY CAWLEY on 06/04/2015 06:49:02

                    Ian S C

                      Andy, thought you might be building one of the scale aero engines, I think there are 3 different ones, 3 cylinder W, 3 cylinder radial, and the 6 cylinder radial.

                      Ian S C

                      Roger Williams 2

                        Nick g, nice job on the backplate !. Ill bookmark the page for future reference. Not wishing to be pedantic though , but some stainless steels are magnetic.



                          No doubt the web will survive my antics.

                          Well I was going through my periodic moments (months) of being sidetracked.

                          I forgot to take a video of it in action, so will do so at the next visit, as it was left there at GD's insistence.

                          Now ready to finish that FeedRodMotor. Bets anyone?

                          Must NOT be sidetracked into mounting chucks onto backplates, and figuring out how to xfer blind mounting holes.

                          Geoff – 'Bleep' gardening duty today 'bleep bleep' etc etc!

                          Jesse Hancock 1

                            Just ordered set of metric taps and dies. According to the blurb they are at half price made by Volkel German company what else…. Well I hope they are but I still remember those snap in drill bits German my botty.

                            Ouballie: I know exactly where you are coming from. (My grass is rattling the windows now and the darn sun has come out so no excuses there then.)

                            Ian S C

                              Aren't some types of bronze magnetic, probably nickel content.

                              Ian S C

                              Ed Duffner

                                Should be a clear night for astronomers (in the UK at least). I've just looked at Jupiter and I believe Ganymede through my 10×50 binoculars. The old back is a bit sore so I can't manage the scope tonight.


                                Edited By Ed Duffner on 06/04/2015 20:25:42

                                Neil Wyatt

                                  You should have got the scope out Ed, it was magnificent., Io was just past transit and its shadow was between the main belts. I could see the the north temperate belt and (at last a lifetime ambition realised!) the great red spot.

                                  I know it was the GRS because my strategy is to see if I can see it THEN go online and see if it is really where I think it is, and I was spot on. I could even see a wisp of white between the spot and the band (the spot was only visible about 20% of the time as it went in and out of clarity).

                                  The app at the bottom of this page will show you which moon is which (you may need to sign up to the website to access the page).

                                  Last night I took wife and daughter out to a remote car park that promised a totally dark sky. Got set up, they got a glimpse of Venus then a guy in a car warned us it was notorious dogging spot…

                                  Big shame as last night was an amazingly clear sky.



                                    Just sorted a video my friend took at last months P.E.E.M.S. club meeting doing a static test firing to test the repaired steam generator and redesigned piston.


                                    Edited By Windy on 06/04/2015 22:02:42


                                      " Got set up, they got a glimpse of Venus then a guy in a car warned us it was notorious dogging spot."

                                      What do you expect Neil – after all Venus was the goddess of love ! wink


                                      ANDY CAWLEY
                                        Posted by Ian S C on 06/04/2015 07:50:28:

                                        Andy, thought you might be building one of the scale aero engines, I think there are 3 different ones, 3 cylinder W, 3 cylinder radial, and the 6 cylinder radial.

                                        Ian S C

                                        Ian, the 3 cylinder W is on my project list meanwhile all my machining time is devoted to getting my full sized job going properly.

                                        Tidying my bench revealed the spring that I intended to use in the first place. Today's efforts were therefor doing the job properly. The spring came off a modern tensioner that I hah hoped to use but it wouldn't fit into the space available. This is what the sensible spring looks like rather than the previous Mickey Mouse effort.



                                          Yesterday actually; tried to put a thread on to some 2.5mm brass rod for my next project but the die holder was rocking all over the place thus ending up with a drunken thread or no thread at all, plus found out that the dies where marked on the wrong side so the tapered portion was on the opposite side from the markings. Eventually I made up a new mini tailstock die holder from the usual scrapbinium supply and has proven to be very handy.

                                          Mini tailstock die holder…

                                          tailstock mini die holder.jpg

                                          The brass bar is 2.5mm OD… unknown grade… thinking


                                          Edited By mechman48 on 07/04/2015 10:06:12

                                          Mark P.

                                            Painted the workshop ceiling, wish I'd never started it or rather should have done it before the lights were put in!

                                            Ian S C

                                              Nick, some stainless is magnetic, 400 series I think.

                                              Andy, that spring looks like a good solution for the chain tensioner. The fan or W Anzani would make a nice model. When I was doing my apprenticeship as a aero engine mechanic, there was a Anzani (W type) in the corner of the workshop, along with the remains of a Flying Flea(pre WW2 French home built aircraft), didn't take so many photos in those days, pay was small, and film was costly, so no pics of that one.

                                              Is your current motor from a car? If so what?

                                              Ian S C

                                              Clive Hartland

                                                At dinnertime today i started my bee keeping season, I have sold 2 Nucleus hives of 5 combs of bees and had to transfer them into travel boxes. All went well with no stings or aggro at all. Now to get them to the customer.

                                                Sad to say i found a dead Sparrow Hawk in the orchard, it kept the Doves under control, maybe taking 1 a week or so, It had no rings and had been well chewed so maybe a cat got it as there are 2 that get down there.


                                                John Hinkley

                                                  At last, I have made a start on the automatic boring/facing tool design and committing it to paper (well disc, actually). It's still at an early stage, although now that I've started to put it into CAD, it's a lot easier to visualise that when it was floating around in my brain. The basic premise is, like most of the designs, a rotating main body which carries the tool holder and radial motion mechanism. This is driven by a ring which can be held stationary while the main body rotates under power. There is an additional ring within the first which rotates 25° either side of "neutral" to move two detents independently. One way it drives the feed screw clockwise, the other way, it drives it anti-clockwise. I hope it works! 

                                                  First published draft drawing (incomplete!):

                                                  General Arrangement

                                                  I will not be cutting any metal for a while as we have just sold our house and we're moving back to the UK soon. However, on the plus side, that should give me plenty of time to fine-tune the design in CAD.

                                                  Instead of using a miniature tee-slot cutter to locate the stop blocks, I've specified a reamed through-hole of 8mm diameter to act in the same way. Anyone see any reason that this wouldn't be a good idea?  (It's the bit that looks like a polyp in the main body!)


                                                  Edited to add the drawing to try to clarify what I'm talking about.

                                                  Edited By John Hinkley on 07/04/2015 15:41:46

                                                  Alex Collins

                                                    Made a former for the 16mm IDRIS boiler end caps at the weekend.

                                                    Started making the boiler end caps tonight.
                                                    Apparently quenching red hot bits of copper in the bathroom sink is not acceptable.
                                                    I'll use the loo next time !
                                                    1 end cap completed 2nd is cut, just needs forming.

                                                    Oompa Lumpa
                                                      Posted by Alex Collins on 07/04/2015 20:00:27:

                                                      Made a former for the 16mm IDRIS boiler end caps at the weekend.

                                                      Started making the boiler end caps tonight.
                                                      Apparently quenching red hot bits of copper in the bathroom sink is not acceptable.
                                                      I'll use the loo next time !

                                                      Careful Alex – not much water in the loo and the porcelain can crack. Ask me how I know

                                                      Today I mostly spent trying to burn all of the skin off my right hand, given my left is all strapped up!

                                                      It's going to be one of those months I think.


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