Had an interesting talk at P.E.E.M.S. by Richard Smith of http://www.smithwatkins.com about the science and manufacture of Trumpets.
The drawing of tapered brass tubes about 0.010" metal thickness and the very tight U bends they have to do on thin wall brass tube using Cerrobend.
How the bell at the end is just a flat piece of brass folded on itself soldered then opened out on a mandrel and finished on a spinning lathe.
Another manufacturer of Wind instruments bends larger diameter thin wall brass tube by flattening it then bending to the radius required it's put into a die and the flattened tube blown out by hydraulic pressure.
The slightest internal imperfection creates changes in the sound quality that is produced musicians can tell.
The quality of workmanship is fantastic and all the military bands in the UK use his trumpets.
Another case when there are things to learn from other disiplnes that could be of use in our hobby.