> my current camera is a Fuji Finepics 9500 bridge camera or would a webcam be an easier means of getting pictures.
All my experience so far is just with my bridge camera, any comments here are just a precis of what I have read elsewhere.
10x optical zoom is plenty for imaging constellations and things like the M42 galaxy, with the 2x digital on top you should be able to get the moons of jupiter. Your long exposures and higher ASA (if they can be combined) might get you some of the larger/brighter deep space objects.
Lots of people take photos through the eyepiece but any attempt I've made at this has been poor even in daylight. You need a very rigid setup and would probably need tracking for long exposures.
The recommendation I have been give is to use a a webcam adapted to fit like an eyepiece, use it to record AVIs and then stack them with either of the free programs Registax or Astrostakker.
This works well for planets apparently, I hope to have a go soon.