Posted by Clive Hartland on 24/03/2015 17:09:08:
I mentioned a few days ago that I was going to make a sound suppressor for my PCP air gun, well, it was a waste of time and effort as it does not reduce the muzzle report one bit.
I now think I will have to add some sort of sound absorbing materiel, I have some Zorbzote which I can punch out plugs that will fill the 3 chambers I have designed into the suppressor. Its either that or the pellet is exceeding the speed of sound! It has not affected the MPI of the pellet.
I did say Clive
So everyone can see what you are talking about here is a selection of Moderators.
From left to right we have a cheap Chinese thingy, a Brocock moderator in Delrin, a Swift Stumpy, a Parker Hale, a Hogan Decimeter, a Weihrauch and two T8 Centrefire Moderators.

So what makes them work? Well actually, the one on the extreme left doesn't actually do anything. The next up, the Brocock in Delrin actually takes the report out of the shot but you can hear it clearly. Then one of my favourites – he Stumpy. Works brilliantly.
Next up, the venerable Parker Hale, these work really well on the .22 Riimfires and using subsonic ammunition you can't hear the shot ten yards away. Fifth along is the Hogan. I don't mind buying these as you actually get something for your money, fitted to a .22 cal Precharged Air Rifle putting out 30ft lbs all you can hear is the click of the trigger.
Now the Weihrauch – this design became the benchmark of quietness for quite a while. Someone copied the design and Weihrauch sued but unsuccessfully as the copier claimed they were using Blue 'J' cloths and not the white ones Weihrauch used…… or something like that anyway. Bet there are a few people quite ticked off when they took it apart and found a couple of hair curlers wrapped in J cloth – of all the small calibre gun suppressors this is the most expensive.
The two T8 cans are for centrefire rifles, the one on the left for up to .25 calibre and the one on the right for up to .30 calibre. But their capacity for suppressing the shot are very dependant on what, exactly it is trying to suppress. A .222 calibre round is easier to quieten than a .220 swift for instance.
Also, the issue is the actual velocity of the round. Once in a while I will fire a .177 air rifle in the garden and it doesn't matter – suppressed or not – if the pellet goes supersonic there is always an almighty "CRACK" as it breaks the sound barrier. I am working on a suppressing a shotgun right now and fortunately I am able to buy subsonic cartridges otherwise it would be a non-starter.

Sorry, the T8's are not for dismantling and the Carbon fibre moderator to the right is of my own design using K-Baffles as the suppressant (the one in the pic is not yet finished – it needs a couple of holes drilling in yet) and it is for a .17 HMR. Works well if I don't mind saying so myself.
Edit: forgot to mention K-baffles.
Edited By Oompa Lumpa on 24/03/2015 20:09:58
Edited By Oompa Lumpa on 24/03/2015 20:11:49