Warco BH600g FeedRodMotor.
Made a start by draining the oil from the Apron, then Sidetracked once again.
Had to replace a cheap one, from you know which country, with one of Stirling make with a 10year guarantee.
Tried to salvage the cheapy but to no avail as the innards had obviously given up the ghost, so will take it apart to see.
The quality and the way the Stirling branded one works is like chalk and cheese in comparison.
Just a bit of fiddling, part of which was to get stuck screws out, with two heads parting company, and needing to doctor the recess for the lock mechanism.
Now locking with the feel of quality.
Can now carry on with the lathe, having now found out where the binding is in the Feed Rod, but need to fit the replacement gears to make sure.
Can see the Apron on an Off/On cycle for who knows how many times.
Geoff – Learned some time ago – Buy cheap, buy twice! but there is always a temptation.