Well not really today and don't know how this fits into engineering model or otherwise other than I plan to fit these into a brass grid.
What was today was finding them.
Three lumps of ivory 6" x 2" x 1" date stamped May 1926 so perfectly legal in that it's not being sold on.
A few years ago when I was in Oman looking for Job's tomb [ didn't find it ] I bought two sets of chess pieces, one in gold, one in silver [ well plated ] very nice ornate classic pieces.
When I was working at the piano company we held about £250,000 worth of ivory, bought legally over the years but we couldn't use it. This was kept in bonded stores at an inland customs unit. The fact the trade had moved on to plastic at this time and would never have gone back to ivory was a bye the bye.
I always wanted a proper chess board and hey ho, we had ebony by the tree trunk and ivory locked away.
Now there are exemptions to using ivory, legally. One is the repair of church organs and by a bit of judicial wangling and bad measurement i finished up with these 3 pieces.
However just after I got them I lost them in a house move and whilst sorting a load of boxes out today in the attic they reappeared. The ebony has long gone, used as saw guides for woodworking bandsaws but this is readily available.
So I think a nice interlocking 1/8" brass frame with squares of ebony and ivory will set these chess pieces off well and after all these years I can learn to play chess.