Well JS should do well in a desert environment then 
Just finished roasting three lots of coffee beans when the fan I use at the kitchen door, to exhaust roasting smoke, starting making a funny noise, so switched it off and it promptly went bang, with smoke escaping.
CB tripped, so a short circuit in the thing, but it's 20 odd years old so shouldn't complain, I will nevertheless.
On Tuesday made covers to fit either side of the vices on the milling machine and shaper tables, out of rubber sheet, as I got rather fed up at cleaning out the T-slots.
Now to make it easy to get the vices squared up, I will mill keyways in the bottom of the vices to fit steel stock in to fit into the T-slots. Should be quicker compared with the fiddle of using a DTI.
Oh, I was somewhat disappointed with the Vertex vices I have, as I had to open out the slots in the swivel bases to get the zero line on the vice to line up with the 0° & 90° on the Base.
I dislike intensely the crackle finish on the Handles! Who on earth thought that that was a good idea? Got that off my chest
Geoff – A Happy and Prosperous New Year to all