Posted by capnahab on 22/02/2015 23:33:14:
Looks very nice Andrew. Have you got a link to 'making your own taps ' ?.
Not as such, but it should be simple enough, in theory at least.
I am planning to follow the advice in 'Machinery's Handbook' for square and Acme taps, ie, make a set of taps of increasing thread depth. I expect to make three taps, using the diameters quoted in MH, the last tap of course being the full diameter. I am going to aim for the taper to cover the first 8-10 thread pitches.
The order of service is screwcut the threads, add an approximate taper using the top slide and then mill the flutes. Then harden and temper and finally grind, and relieve, the cutting edges.
The nut will be in bronze; time will tell if three taps is sufficient.