Posted by mechman48 on 14/02/2015 12:42:31:
… and where was the catwalk that should of been there.. more than 3 days off work… reportable injury.. elfin safety have to be informed…
' I was rescued by the boatman that was on constant standby for such an instance '
was there never any risk assessment done ? it seems that this set up is a known risk & an accident waiting to happen at any time … oh dear me! HSE could have a field day here… see link..
Oooops.. sorry, slipped into Tech. I.O.S.H mode.. the main things are, have a few wee totties of an evening, rest up, enjoy your armchair ME role, & have a complete & rapid recovery.
p.s. do you get to keep the lead boot.. might come in handy in the workshop for somefink ?..
Hi mechman48, The catwalk is a permanent structure for access for maintenance, this was only in use for access to the job in hand. The job in hand had all the risk assessments, method statements ect. that were required and we all had to read and sign various documents to acknowledge that we agreed and understood all safety issues ect., the boatman was part of this because of it being fast flowing water during incoming and outgoing tides and the work was taking place on scaffolding over this water. The incident was reported immediately and an investigation is in progress. I can not comment on the catwalk that should have been there as it was nothing to do with the company who I was working for this will be for the investigation in progress.
I think they will have to cut the lead boot off rendering it US and will only be allowed to depose of it according to the rules.
Bob the same sort of statement I got from my son-in-law.
Neil, luckily the tide had only been going out for a short period so there was deep water to fall into, had it have been much shallower there would have been a few obstacles that could potentially have given more serious injury.
Thanks for all speedy recovery comments.
Regards Nick.