Muzzer, Not Daily Mail at all – more an appraisal of hard facts.
Solar Panels generate only during the day, you can't store the energy they produce and they don't produce at night, fact. Interestingly ,Australia which has masses of barren, uninhabited, fit for nothing but lizards and snakes land and has very bright sunshine all day every day has no great solar farms. Plus in the UK productive farmland is lost for each solar farm. We also need to eat.
Wind generators can only produce energy within a specified band of wind speed, above and below that, nothing; in between generation is a variable, fact. In winter when it's very cold and more energy is required it's usually because we're in an area of high pressure which means no wind, so then it's another consumer of electricity rather than a producer when we need power the most.
So we always require the coal, oil and nuclear power generating back ups. Hinckley Point, like all nuclear stations by the way, is able to produce all day every day other than when refuelling.
Look also at the gridwatch website mentioned by others above. Last night nuclear was producing over 22% of our needs, as was coal, wind just over 2%. And 2% is good, I have seen it up around 4% on one occasion, but also often at less than 1%.
So not political, just factual – and whoever believes what they read in that rag the Daily Mail for goodness sake!! I suppose there will always be someone……….