Clive..looks like you couldn’t get the rest of the article.
1 . fascinating micro manipulation tools for the AI of the queen
2 an alternative explanation for why the wing deformity virus carried by the mite does not seem to be troubling his hives.
The original theory was his bees by grooming (more) were not getting it from the mite. ( cue footage of bees removing invested larva from brood cells)
A biologist proposed a different theory. .and asked for samples of “healthy” bees for analysis. .
These were mashed and. DNA ( rna?) Sequenced…
Now it appears the mite carry two viri say type A and B
And if type B causes wing deformity and A is “harmless”…
These samples were flooded with type A but no sign of type B…
One might suggest that the mite are in effect vaccinating the bees with type A and thus providing something like immunisation to type B
Apart from insect immunology isn’t quite like human ( mammal)..