HI all, Hornets in the UK are quite mild and create no real problem…..Usually…..
the Asian bugger's are a whole different kettle of fish….have watched them hover outside a hive and take the bees in mid air……
I moved here 12 years ago with 25 hives……don't have any now it all got to heavy, Arthritus got the better of me….
2 stories of Hornet removal, here they are notifiable but the local authorities won't pay for the removal (like they are supposed to)
so to remove or destroy a nest on my property…the nest was a tad over 18m up a tree, about 750 long and 450 in dia…
1st attempt, at dusk, emptied both barrels (12gauge) of bird shot, no bloody difference at all…just a bit of extra buzzing around…..hahaha…..
2nd attempt, joined three 6m length of 19mm copper pipe, on the other end used a ball lever valve with an air line fitting….
put 2 litres 'ish of petrol in the pipe (propped up on the step ladder) coupled up the air line and went up the ladder….
poked the pipe in the nest bottom about 6" then let them have it…..that sorted the buggers out….did have a few loose hornets but they had no home to go to…..
the other job was in a very rotten dead tree……pushed it over with my JCB then kept driving over it until it was crushed….very satisfactory…….
have just found another nest on the property, that'll get the spray can treatment as it's get atable…..
loads of fun, " who said it was all quiet in the countryside" hahaha…..
just out of interest it's warm 17.c and sunny…..honey bees flying well….I do miss em……
just out of interest, there's is a high rate of African cross bred bees here., wild and in domestic use…helped a chap out but in the end we just killed the hive…unfortunately it was just to bad to re-queen it…..shame……
used my last Epi pen, that's it for me…Hanging up my bee suit….
oh happy days….English summers, cream "T's" yum, yum……
have fun, Clogs