Hello Merry, bees communicate by whats called a , 'Wiggle dance', this is a set piece that gives direction and distance related to the Sun. At the same time it gives the bees around it a sample of what it has collected. The bees then take notice and fly out and fill their honey stomach and return and do the same dance which stimulates other bees to follow. Then we have what is called a, 'Honey flow'. This is what the bee keepers want as the bees will collect about 6 to 7lb of nectar a day and in a week will fill the combs and start sealing the cells.. The hive must be well Queened and full of brood and eggs in the brood combs and plenty of free space in the honey boxes above.
The bees are sensitive to temperature and will rarely venture far if the temps. are low in the 10's or 12's but quite happy if its above 15 C.. When working they will make a happy buzz and completely ignore my presence in the apiary. If there is a dearth of nectar they get a bit crochety and will resent my presence. In the winter months they will on a nice sunny day go on cleansing flights as they store waste and woe betide a washing line full of washing as they will settle and leave brown marks on it. In the large heated greenhouses, they use Bluebottles to fertilize Tomatoes, Bumble bees for Strawberries and other soft fruit.