Posted by Roderick Jenkins on 02/01/2014 11:18:12:
…I see from your blog that you are having a go at my ER25 for the Worden. There were a couple of issues with the translation of some dimensions from drawing to magazine. The originals are in my album here .
I have the self same diamond wheel from ARC waiting for an arbour!
Hi Rod – Yes, am building it to your design. Should say built it – it was completed last year (ha ha – about 2 days ago now)
I do find in mine that the ER-25 nut fouls the table, but in use for sharpening ends of end mills, that is not an issue.
Is it just the nut I purchased, or are they all going to do that?
On one ER-16 chuck I made, I managed to find a "mini-ER nut" that had smaller (and, finer) threads, so the nut size was quite reduced.
Thank you for your clear, concise design; I work in metric so having the metric dimensions on the plans certainly helped. The only change I made was that I used M4 rather than 2BA, but other than that, it is to your plans.
BTW, in my workshop I have 6 ER collet holders from ER-16 to ER-40, on various bits of machinery. 4 of them home made – I think I'm sold on ER collets…