Hi, not exactly ME but engineering all the same, and it was yesterday afternoon and not today.
At the end part of winter earlyer this year my Astra was having trouble starting in the cold mornings. It turned out that the glowplugs needed changing. So having got a new set, duely set about changing them. First one came out fine, next one however the nut sheared from the body of the plug, even though I was trying to ease it out gently. Second and thrid also sheared.
So what to do about the situation. Well I decided to let them be untill the better weather and strugle on. However with one thing and another all the nice weather came and went with no progress untill yesterday when I tried my solution of removing them without having to remove the head and drill them out, which is something that is not particulary practical with it in situe.

The idea I had was to cut the top part off using a disc cutter in my Dremel, then remove the nut and then cut the internal stem down level with the stub end that was sticking out and then weld a drilled out 8mm nut onto the stub end.

I could then hopefyully remove the glowplug with a socket and extension bar hoping that the heat from the wleded on nut would loosen it a littlle bit. However the first attempt just removed the rest of the internel stem and the secound attempt just sheared off like the original nut. So it was time to get a bit serious and get my O/A welding torch out and give it a bit of heat and then weld another nut on and then give it a bit more heat with the O/A and allow bto cool. Then using a bit of penetrating oil and giving it a bit of a tap on top with a suitable length of bar and a hammer and teasing it gently back and forth with the socket, it was successfully removed and a new one fitted.

Maybe now that I have a successful technique, I will be able to remove the other two bad ones next Saterday.
I hope this idea may be helpful to others with a similar situation, ME or otherwise, but I do stess that patiance is needed and more than one attempt may be required. There are four more photos in my general photos album for anyone who is interested.
Regards Nick.
Edited By Nicholas Farr on 17/11/2013 20:15:14