For a change from mounting my hit & miss engines on a wooden sled I have decides to mount the 1/3rd Scale Galloway on a "hand portable" cart. I found some suitable photos from an old e-bay sale

Drew it up in Alibre and will make a start on the wheels

139,7 x 5mm wall ERW tube is the perfect OD for the 16.5" wheel, I cut off enough for two rims at a time ro reduce the distortion from the chuck jaws

Thinned out the rim to 3/32" for part depth which also gives me a ledge to locate the leg of the Tee against

Then split these into two, the hacksawing was a good start in the cold workshop this morning.

At the same time as buying the tube I got 4 discs of 5mm plate, 150mm dia and trepanned out the middle

I like to go just under half way from each side which stops the risk of the middle bit flying about. If you leave a few thou thickness its a simple job to support the bit you want and a quick blow with a hammer has the waste come out like opening a tin can

Which has given me the "tees" now need to machine these down to fit the rims

So what have the rest of you been upto (in your workshops) ??
Edited By JasonB on 09/11/2013 13:54:11