Here's a picture of my latest project:

Not shown is the standpipe that needed reducing in length, after the application of brute force and iggerance, plus a large hammer, got it separated from the cast iron lump on the end that allowed it to be connected to the 4" water main.
The thread top left is 3/4" BSP. The thread on the right hand side of same part, and the internal thread on the part to right of that is a weird one. The OD is 50mm, the thread is Whitworth form, 26tpi. There were good reasons for choosing such an odd combination.
Here's a close in picture of the internal thread:

All the threads were screw cut. The external threads were cut at 540rpm, and the internal one at 370rpm. It took some nifty work on the half nuts to avoid running the tool into the shoulder on the internal thread, although I may have had some help. 