Amongst other things I've been cutting gears today. I've been working on the two pinion gears that fit on the crankshaft of the traction engines I'm building. Actually, I've been making a set of two gears for a friend of mine, who is building the same engine. The gears are in EN8. I've got a much better finish on his gears than mine, so I decided to bin my gears and make another two sets for me; that's because I'm building two engines. Today I've cut all the gears shown here:

The gears are 6DP, so the larger gears are just over 4" diameter, and the smaller gears just over 3" diameter. Why is one of the smaller gears not cut? Because I b0gged up yesterday and started cutting the slot for the gear change mechanism in the wrong place, so one scrap part. 
First job tomorrow morning is to order another EN8 billet, plus some other steel, so I get 'free' delivery.
Oh, and I heard my first sonic boom today; see my post in the 'aircraft discussion' thread.