Made an ER 25 collet chuck for my C3 Minilathe.
Did not have a large chunk of metal, did not fancy turning most of it away either.
So a bit of plate was drilled, fixed in the chuck & trepanned. After cutting the register the holes were spotted through from my faceplate, then drilled and tapped. First time I was a bit sloppy, you can see the filled holes
When it fitted ok I turned a chunk of 2" steel with a spigot to fit the hole in the backplate and secured it with JB Weld. Just for a belt & braces precaution I then drilled & tapped the seam 5mm in 3 places and inserted some screws then turned the heads off the screws.
Mounted on the lathe (with a centre-pop to indicate jaw #1) the thread was cut to match the collet-closer from my mill ER 25 collet holder.
A 16mm rod was then chucked in the 4 jaw & dialed in, I slipped a collet over this and used a dial test indicator to get the topslide set at the required taper.
Then drilled & bored, kept testing the fit until it all worked.
A very productive few days in the workshop
Regards from the land of the kangaroo
Cu Later * Danny M*