What did you do today? (2013)


What did you do today? (2013)

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    Chris Heapy

      Yep, I needed a ball-turning tool to make the ball for the ball turning tool…

      Bob Perkins

        I found a bit of time to start on the base for my SABINE.



        Sub Mandrel

          Today looks like being a housework/diy day. I won't list the jobs, that's too grim

          I haven't been in the workshop much this week, so I've tried to work out a bit about a violin I picked up for about a tenner at a boot sale a few years ago.

          It seems to be a 'lady violin' or a 7/8 violin at 13 1/2" body, but it seems the bridge was a bit too near the neck and it may be full size with a slightly small body. the fingerboard is stained and not ebony, so probably not of any great value although proper purling. It was unplayable except in what I'd call 'first position' as the action was so high and the neck seemed to beat the wrong angle.

          After a bit of research I discovered it's perfectly OK to break the neck off anf fit it properly. In doing so waht looked like poorly done filler proved to be plastic wood, and the neck was glued on at a very wrong angle with what appears to be a combination of cascamite and epoxy (backed up by dribbles of it across the underside of the fingerboard). Looks like a hugely ham fisted repair, or even multiple repairs, after the neck was snapped off. Unfortunately a little strengthener called the 'button' had parted from the body in the original accident.

          I figure I can't do much worse if I clean off the old glue and use quality PVA as a repair. probably make any luthiers out there cringe… but I'd rather have something to try and play than an instrument that otherwise is just about up to 'hang on the wall of badly lit restaurant' standard.

          Just in case, I suppose I should ask, are there any signs I should look for before applying my own standard of butchery?



            Just in case, I suppose I should ask, are there any signs I should look for before applying my own standard of butchery?



            If you can see the words "Antonio Stradivari" scrawled inside it I would seek a second opinion

            Edited By Ady1 on 18/05/2013 15:06:40


              A very wet day at Elvington so Saturday record attempts off.

              Tomorrow looks good the current bike National speed record holder will be there with some competition.

              Rocket man Brown hopefully will be testing before his 400mph plus attempts over the pond later on.

              Think I will have to build a flash steam record attempt bike.

              Have always said I was designed for subsonic speeds i.e. short and rounded with no protrusions weight the only problem.

              Hope everything OK for tomorrow’s competitors.


              Mark P.

                Went to have a look at a new bungalow with a HUGE garage (read workshop).

                Mark P.


                  Well I started this thread back in October when I was in the early stages of making my large scale Easton & Anderson Beam Engine, today I took the final photos.







                  And a short video, compressor was having a job to keep up thats why it starts a bit fast and then slows down

                  Full details of the build are on MEM Forum
                  Sub Mandrel

                    Excellent work, Jason.

                    So far today took my daughter to her ice skating lesson, thought 's** it' and glued the neck back to the violin (at least its in the right place now and can't be any more damaging than the original botch). Finally fitted a new oil pressure sensor to my Astra.

                    The last job was the worst, these little things apparently fail and leak regularly. I ground dwown two old spanners trying to get one in the gap, then gave up and 'do or die' sawed the plastic end off the sensor and got a 7/16" socket on it. The new one went straight in and with a smaller 22mm hex it was a few seconds to fit.

                    Sensor was only £4.95 inc vat & p&p, but I spent twice that on oil over the previous week, and it was getting worse. I would still be looking for the leak if the vauxhall forum hadn't explaine dthat teh leak happens down the inside of the sensor.



                      It looks absolutely superb Jason. Very inspiring to the rest of us (especially beginners like me) to try harder. Keep up the good work.


                      Bob Perkins


                        id like to echo Gary's comment. Excellent craftsmanship. Well done.



                          Lovely day at Elvington airfield no official record attempts as the ACU are slow ratifying last years records.

                          Fastest just under 240mph a lady rider was going over 230mph rocket man Browns thrust powered streamliner did shakedown runs before next years absolute record bike attempts at Bonneville hopefully 450mph? Minor problem after hitting bump on second run.

                          Test fired my flash steamer with redesigned piston under the eyes of the real speed freaks.

                          A successful test then stripped engine with favourable results.

                          Met many old acquaintances as my friend who had never been to this type of meeting said the enthusiasm was unbelievable by competitors and helpers.

                          The atmosphere was just as great as 40years ago just the machines are so reliable now a bit of tweaking and the power is unbelievable.

                          Throttle hand twitching now was offered a chance to go to the salt flats when one of the lads from my past gets his streamliner finished.

                          A wish I had in 1974

                          Old creaky feels like a young lad now.


                          Boiler Bri

                            That looks very well made, Jason. I wish i had the time and patience.

                            All in all a good weekend in north west Wales and especially Saturday where i joined my friends at the North Wales model engineering club, with their portable tack at the vintage vehicle show at Llangefni on Anglesey to try to raise some much needed cash.

                            The weather held, but visitor numbers were down, and as a result so was the takings.

                            As for the new track build at west shore in Llandudno a few lengths of rails and sleeper have been added to the top of the block walls. The members who had laid it, says this takes longer that they though it would so progress is slow and with all the members needed at the show nothing happened at all on Saturday.

                            We could do with someone like Branson or Waterman, or anyone with lots of cash to spare, who could pay for some mechanisation. wink


                            Nicholas Farr

                              Hi Jason, very impressive and a striking colour contrast. I like it.

                              Regards Nick.

                              Bob Perkins

                                I think I'm nearly there with this and hoping to have a runner by the end of the bank holiday



                                  That is looking rather splendid, Bob. Looking forward to more photos.


                                  Bob Perkins

                                    Thanks Dennis. Keeping my fingers crossed for a video by the end of the bank holiday!

                                    Sub Mandrel

                                      So it's not just me who hasn't done much in the last week?

                                      Today finished fitting my new chuck (see elsewhere) – looks bloomin' huge on a mini lathe!

                                      Fitted a new rear suspension spring to my wife's Zafira. Not a particularly difficult job (lots of jacking and supporting, but only wheel nuts and one stiff torx bolt on the shock absorber). Hardest bit was persuading Rita to put her full weight on the suspension arm so it dropped enough to get the new spring in

                                      Has anyone else had experience of Vauxhaull springs? I've replaced loads – lost three on a Vectra in one winter (they always go in the winter). I've never had one go on any other make of car.


                                      Nicholas Farr

                                        Hi Niel, I've had three Cavalier's, a Y, C and L reg, but never had any trouble with springs with them. I currently have an Astra estate and a basic Corsa and so far no trouble with springs on either of them.

                                        Not much workshop time today, just sorted out some pop rivets into some screw top plastic containers and finishing off milling a small piece of 1.5 mm sheet to size on my mini mill.

                                        The rest of the day was mowing some of my lawn and sawing off a few overhanging tree branches.

                                        Regards Nick.

                                        Edited By Nicholas Farr on 02/06/2013 01:07:31

                                        Danny M2Z

                                          chuck 2.jpgG'day.

                                          Made an ER 25 collet chuck for my C3 Minilathe.

                                          Did not have a large chunk of metal, did not fancy turning most of it away either.

                                          So a bit of plate was drilled, fixed in the chuck & trepanned. After cutting the register the holes were spotted through from my faceplate, then drilled and tapped. First time I was a bit sloppy, you can see the filled holes embarrassed

                                          When it fitted ok I turned a chunk of 2" steel with a spigot to fit the hole in the backplate and secured it with JB Weld. Just for a belt & braces precaution I then drilled & tapped the seam 5mm in 3 places and inserted some screws then turned the heads off the screws.

                                          Mounted on the lathe (with a centre-pop to indicate jaw #1) the thread was cut to match the collet-closer from my mill ER 25 collet holder.

                                          A 16mm rod was then chucked in the 4 jaw & dialed in, I slipped a collet over this and used a dial test indicator to get the topslide set at the required taper.

                                          Then drilled & bored, kept testing the fit until it all worked.

                                          A very productive few days in the workshop

                                          Regards from the land of the kangaroo

                                          Cu Later * Danny M*

                                          chuck 1.jpgchuck 3.jpg


                                            Made a simple mill vice stop 'outa my bits box.

                                            mill vice stop.jpg



                                              Useful idea George – I really must get round to making one myself!

                                              Neil and Nick – I find one of the best things about getting older, now that the family have flown the nest and calls on funds are not quite so demanding, is that I can divert any surplus cash into paying someone else to do my car maintenance!  Yes I've been there –  lying on my back an a gravel drive changing big end bearings, struggling with rusted exhaust pipes, applying super-human strength to pullers to remove flywheels etc. I was an expert at changing water pumps – less than 20 min in a lunch break ( I had lots of practice) and   I can honestly say I hated every moment of it ! All this was of necessity but enjoyable or fulfilling it certainly wasn't.. My mechanical interests are confined to a comfortable and friendly workshop.



                                              Edited By NJH on 02/06/2013 14:20:54

                                              Mark P.

                                                I made and fitted a set of indexing buttons for my mill vice no more clocking it up everytime I use it. it seems to run true to within .0002" over 5.5" which seem quite good to me! Like the vice stop George I have been planning one of those for sometime but not got roundtuit.

                                                Regards Mark P.

                                                Sub Mandrel

                                                  Hi Norman,

                                                  If you want to pay someone to fix my car, I have no objection whatsoever



                                                    Ah Neil

                                                    Much as I would like to help you out I'm afraid there is no chance of that.

                                                    So I suppose you will just have to wait and grow older – don't worry, it will happen!!



                                                      Mark P

                                                      I'm afraid I will have to show my ignorance and ask what are mill vice indexing buttons. I have had a bit of a thunk and a guess but I'd be grateful for a fuller description since they sound like a useful gadget and something that should be on my tuit list.


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