What did you do Today 2024


What did you do Today 2024

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  • #735381
    duncan webster 1

      Cos that’s what the washing machine man said, and he’s been doing it for donkeys years

      Michael Gilligan

        Or to put it another way … Because Zanussi chooses to use washers that differ from the de-facto ‘standard’


        Ian P


          On Michael Gilligan Said:

          Or to put it another way … Because Zanussi chooses to use washers that differ from the de-facto ‘standard’


          Now I’m confused because what Duncan said was

          Washing machine repair man came today, turns out the problem was a spilt washer on the feed hose. Zanussi type machines should have a different washer to everyone else’s.

          I then asked Duncan why it was suggested that Zanussi machines should have a different washer.

          All the washing machines and dishwashers (including some Zanussi) that I have come across, seem to use the same ‘standard’ feed hoses.

          Ian P



          Michael Gilligan

            Sorry, Ian … I don’t know the technical subtleties … I was just trying to re-state the comment made by Duncan’s repair-man



            Edit: __ This may possibly be relevant:



            duncan webster 1

              The standard hose fits, but he recommends a special washer. He didn’t charge me for the washer, so doesn’t sound like a scam, and I’ve been dealing with him for years, so I trust him to know his business

              Alan Mellor

                Zanussi used a top hat type washer at the machine end sometime ago.


                duncan webster 1

                  That’s what my man fitted


                    not on thread but some years ago I fitted piping for a washing machine installed the washing machine and used it to wash clothes all good. overnight a small piece of solder crept in to the solenoid operated valve and stopped it closing. the next day my wife went to use the machine which on opening the door spilled about 40  gallons of water in a nano second. Just whish I could have seen her face.


                    noel shelley

                      Trying to catch up having spent last week at Arromanche keeping a DUKW running and afloat ! On the morning of the 6th on entering town we found an unguarded cul de sac which would had little importance to a normal vehicle BUT the slipway at the end put this in the very handy category, we were not the first to spot this, a Dutch DUKW and an Italian one had already beat us, we just followed ! The Tide was fully in so there was no beach, we went down to the next village, hauled out, drained the hull and then returned ! By now there was a narrow strip of sand and the Italians were there, we went to join them ! It was at this point that we knew something was adrift, men with shaven heads, dark glasses, smart suits and a strange bulge in the front of their jackets. That the cul de sac was unguarded was a huge security slip up, we had merrily sailed into the security zone intended to protect the dignitaries at the ceremony on the market square, snipers on the roof tops, full works ! We were arrested and told not to leave the vehicle or return to sea. The Dutch had now hove into sight only to be arrested at gun point by special forces and told to come and sit on the naughty step with the rest of us ! After several hours of sitting in the sun we were told we could go, this proved to be a problem as the authorities had realised there mistake and put an armed guard on the slipway – it was closed ! Did they have this trouble getting ashore in 44 ? Ah well, we’ed had our fun, 2 miles down the coast to the next village, back onto the coast road – which was also closed ! It took us 1.5 hours to do 5 miles. The largest collection of military vehicles I have ever seen, from the tiny air transportable motor bike to the DUKW and Scammell pioneer gun tractors, half tracks, full tracked, you  name it it was there – even a few German vehicles ! TO HONOUR and REMEMBER, LEST WE FORGET ! Noel.

                      Craig Brown



                        After some finishing work the Fobco collar was today completed


                          Nothing very exciting today. I wanted a short 22mm OE spanner for use on an ER20 collet chuck. It doesn’t need to have a death grip for what I’m using it for and the spanner for the nut is short anyway. I went to the local discount store in search of a 22mm spanner to cut down but they didn’t have one, they were all imperial. I therefore selected a 19mm spanner, hoping to open it up to 22mm and cut down the length. It was much easier than expected using a carbide end mill although I did get some chatter marks.


                            Brought back a souvenir of Norfolk.. ..having escaped for 4 1/2 years..


                            Ian P
                              On Craig Brown Said:



                              After some finishing work the Fobco collar was today completed

                              That is an impressive bit of work!
                              Fabricating and finishing from steel to make a replica of a casting must have taken a fair amount of elbow grease so well done.

                              Ian P



                              Craig Brown

                                Thanks Ian, bit of time spent with grinders, sanders and files gets it looking something like

                                Michael Gilligan
                                  On Diogenes Said:

                                  Brought back a souvenir of Norfolk.. ..having escaped for 4 1/2 years..


                                  Sorry to see that ^^^

                                  Hope it’s reasonably manageable.



                                    Thank you, Michael – it’s pretty unpleasant – heartily glad that I’ve kept my jabs up to date.


                                      Finished the ‘cutting’ tasks for a 1″ bore toolholder;


                                      ..To take a capstan knurling tool scored off Ebay..


                                      Was it worth the trouble?..


                                      Michael Gilligan
                                        On Diogenes Said:
                                        […] Was it worth the trouble?..


                                        … Is the Pope a Catholic ?

                                        bernard towers

                                          Just goes to prove that slim wheels are better than those chunky things they sell on auctin sites!!!. Vey nice D.

                                          Nigel Graham 2

                                            Well, Yesterday actually…

                                            A very pleasant and sociable day in increasingly hot sunshine at the Model Steam Road Vehicle Society’s annual Steam-up at Tewkesbury.

                                            The event used to be a full rally for miniature engines, but this became harder to sustain so is now a society gathering to which the public is invited – no entry fee but donations always welcome! I think the only trade stand present was a lunch-time refreshment-stall but as a refreshing change from the dull old hot-dogs and burgers, this was Thai, selling delicious helpings of their specialities.


                                            Then today, a worrying brush with Amazon.

                                            With Alibre Atom and two editions of TurboCAD on my PC (doing different things) I decided to try again to obtain a manual for the latter, preferably in printed book or .pdf form as I cannot learn anything from videos.

                                            TurboCAD’s own web-site seems to sell only videos, so I searched again and found a useful-looking 2-book package on Amazon; one the manual itself, the other an anthology of exercises. That’s when the fun started….

                                            The company’s tortuous website demanded I create an “account”. What the Hell for?

                                            This wanted either my portable ‘phone number or my e-post address.

                                            The ‘phone number failed because the instruction called for it to include “the area code”. Pardon??

                                            My electronic address failed because – it alleged – an account already exists there. What???

                                            That was a lie because I have never used Amazon previously…..

                                            I closed the site immediately. I have no idea what had happened there but it means I can no longer trust Amazon – having done so warily and only on the presumption of innocence anyway.


                                            Luckily I found the tutorial I want, on a print-on-demand order from a British company specialising in PoD and second-hand books; but even this wanted an “account”.

                                            What the hell is wrong with just telephoning or indeed sending a letter, without all this digital clutter?

                                            More seriously, why would Amazon imagine I already have a so-called “account” with it? I do not have one, have never had one – and now, nor will in future. If it tries e-messaging me, though I don’t think that likely, I will block it.


                                            duncan webster 1

                                              I try to avoid Amazon as it is almost impossible to avoid signing up for prime, which, if you don’t remember to cancel starts charging you after a month. No-one needs 2 hour delivery on stuff, I’ve seen 2 Amazon vans up our road at the same time. One parcel delivery from one courier in one day is enough for anyone. More than that is a waste of fuel and driver’s time (which could be spent doing something productive).

                                              Michael Gilligan
                                                On Nigel Graham 2 Said:



                                                Then today, a worrying brush with Amazon.

                                                […] This wanted either my portable ‘phone number or my e-post address.

                                                The ‘phone number failed because the instruction called for it to include “the area code”. Pardon??




                                                I am certainly no apologist for Amazon, and will not even attempt to ‘explain’ the confusion their processes are causing you, but I do think it entirely reasonable [if you wish to share it at all] for a supplier to ask that a telephone number be presented in the recognised format.

                                                You might find this page helpful:


                                                I recall a recent problem, where I was failing to ‘message’ my brother … this was simply because my “contacts” did not include the full contry-code for his number, but his device expected it.

                                                Obviously, I do not wish to pry, but I think you may need to present your number differently, just to make it unique.


                                                Nigel Graham 2

                                                  Duncan –

                                                  Thank you for that warning. I take it “Prime” means only a faster delivery service than normal, but why the Hell should anyone be expected to pay a subscription to a mail-order retailer? That is not paying for the goods plus delivery cost as is the normal practice,  but a nasty way to make money from you even if you buy only low-cost item a year.

                                                  And if you refuse watching “Popular movies and shows [Amazon thinks] you’ll enjoy” – to quote its own words. Only “thinks”: i.e. its own choice in the vague hope some would be yours too.


                                                  Thankyou Michael.

                                                  That Wikipedia article confirms portable (they are not “mobile” 🙂 ) telephones do not have area codes – but Amazon’s site seemed to think they do and rejected my number because I had not added the digits that… do not exist.

                                                  A national code is a different matter, but this was with its British office, not an overseas one.

                                                  I was not questioning why they asked me for my contact details. That is normal mail-order practice.

                                                  Instead I questioned firstly why a mail-order company wants you to form a so-called “account” with it, and secondly, more worryingly, why it thought I already have one. The waffle implied they already have my e-post address, otherwise how can they allege I have such an “account”?


                                                  Well, bolstered by Duncan’s warning of its ‘Prime’ trickery, I am now more certain I should refuse to have any dealings with this dodgy, American outfit.

                                                  Michael Gilligan

                                                    I won’t labour this Nigel [life is too short] … but I guessed we would see you asserting the difference between ‘mobile’ and ‘portable’ … so I saved this link especially for you:




                                                    Michael Gilligan

                                                      Just to clarify the anecdote about my brother’s ‘phone:

                                                      I could make voice calls quite happily using 07508 #####

                                                      … but was unable to message him !

                                                      The staff at the O2 shop were as lost as I was regarding what might be wrong

                                                      … Eventually [having engaged ‘infinite monkeys’ mode] I tried adding the full number

                                                      +44 7508 ##### to his listing in my contacts

                                                      … and suddenly it all worked fine.


                                                      This ^^^ is the point I was trying to make about ‘unique-ness’

                                                      Use, or ignore, that as you see fit, Nigel.

                                                      I was only trying to help.


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