Well, Yesterday actually…
A very pleasant and sociable day in increasingly hot sunshine at the Model Steam Road Vehicle Society’s annual Steam-up at Tewkesbury.
The event used to be a full rally for miniature engines, but this became harder to sustain so is now a society gathering to which the public is invited – no entry fee but donations always welcome! I think the only trade stand present was a lunch-time refreshment-stall but as a refreshing change from the dull old hot-dogs and burgers, this was Thai, selling delicious helpings of their specialities.
Then today, a worrying brush with Amazon.
With Alibre Atom and two editions of TurboCAD on my PC (doing different things) I decided to try again to obtain a manual for the latter, preferably in printed book or .pdf form as I cannot learn anything from videos.
TurboCAD’s own web-site seems to sell only videos, so I searched again and found a useful-looking 2-book package on Amazon; one the manual itself, the other an anthology of exercises. That’s when the fun started….
The company’s tortuous website demanded I create an “account”. What the Hell for?
This wanted either my portable ‘phone number or my e-post address.
The ‘phone number failed because the instruction called for it to include “the area code”. Pardon??
My electronic address failed because – it alleged – an account already exists there. What???
That was a lie because I have never used Amazon previously…..
I closed the site immediately. I have no idea what had happened there but it means I can no longer trust Amazon – having done so warily and only on the presumption of innocence anyway.
Luckily I found the tutorial I want, on a print-on-demand order from a British company specialising in PoD and second-hand books; but even this wanted an “account”.
What the hell is wrong with just telephoning or indeed sending a letter, without all this digital clutter?
More seriously, why would Amazon imagine I already have a so-called “account” with it? I do not have one, have never had one – and now, nor will in future. If it tries e-messaging me, though I don’t think that likely, I will block it.