What about a “like” button on the forum?


What about a “like” button on the forum?

Home Forums Website Questions, Comments, and Suggestions What about a “like” button on the forum?

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    Michael Gilligan

      I don’t yet know whose “Like Button” is embedded in the new forum software … but this short article from 2016 makes interesting reading for those who might have reservations about motives:





      Edit: … and this is from 2019


      Edited By Michael Gilligan on 19/02/2021 14:28:58

        Posted by andrew lyner on 19/02/2021 12:30:50:

        Posted by Alan Jackson on 19/02/2021 11:43:05:

        Perhaps there should be a vote on a like button, Like or do not Like. Just saying.



        That was an effort for me. wink 2


        Frances IoM

          Michael that will get you the ire of our Editor who has it past defended the use of farcebook – that now 2 year old page is very relevant today.

          andrew lyner

            I have just got to the end of a thread on a different and very technical forum, about adding a DC supply to a battery powered unit. I asked the question and I had several replies from several members. Was I supposed to reply to each post, formally, complete with quotes from those posts? Putting Like after appropriate posts and answering others worked very well and everyone was treated 'politely'. Not a hint of hoi polloi using likes like confetti.

            And, whilst on the topic of possible improvements, posts don't appear to have a 'post count' number so I can't see just how many posts the subject seems to have generated. It does look like a hot topic though. thinking

            andrew lyner
              Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 19/02/2021 12:49:07:

              Worth a try I think.


              Yes, why not? But I have to assume members use other fora (?) so they clearly know what they like already.

              Michael Gilligan
                Posted by andrew lyner on 19/02/2021 16:02:57:


                And, whilst on the topic of possible improvements, posts don't appear to have a 'post count' number so I can't see just how many posts the subject seems to have generated. It does look like a hot topic though. thinking


                Have you tried looking at this page: **LINK**


                I see a count for posts, and a count for views


                  Posted by andrew lyner on 18/02/2021 21:37:57:

                  "Like" is a quick form of feedback and very popular on many fora. How easy would it be to achieve it – if the MODS decide it's a good idea?

                  Seems to me it's two issues:

                  – a "Like" button per-se ….. this we already have in the form of: yes (not to mention its counterpart).

                  – whether or not the "likes" are counted. This we don't have here (yet) and what many on these forums (incorrect but less pretentious) are uncomfortable with.


                    I would not be keen on posts with just yes or no in them particularly with the new software leaving quite a bit of space per post. Just think what it would be like following a thread with blocks of seveal posts with just a emoji.

                    andrew lyner

                      The emogee is not the same as a like because it has to be in a reply, which may be miles away from the post it refers to – so you would also have to quote it. This clutters up the thread with perhaps many repeats of the text.

                      I have to ask whether you have used 'like' elsewhere.

                      The standard way to display a like is "Xyz, Abc and 23 others like this" and it is visible at the end of the post.


                      andrew lyner
                        Posted by Michael Gilligan on 19/02/2021 16:39:25:

                        Posted by andrew lyner on 19/02/2021 16:02:57:


                        And, whilst on the topic of possible improvements, posts don't appear to have a 'post count' number so I can't see just how many posts the subject seems to have generated. It does look like a hot topic though. thinking


                        Have you tried looking at this page: **LINK**


                        I see a count for posts, and a count for views


                        The total posts for a thread are visible but not the #number of the post within the thread. This would allow reference to a particular post without yet another massive quote.

                        The fact is that the forum system has been developed significantly over the past few years. Many issues have been dealt with and I don't think there's much doubt that there are many actual improvements. I am a bit baffled why Engineers (thread members) are so reluctant to appreciate advances in such technology.



                          Once again can I refer you to the other thread mentioned by others and myself.

                          If you actually go an look at the RCM&E site you will see that quoting will no longer be the "massive" whole post that many seem to leave when quoting but a much more condensed version with the option for the individual user to expand if they want to.

                          I also said it will be a lot easier to link back to a specific post not just a thread or thread page though at the moment RCM&E does not have specific post numbers in the usual #NN form though it may be possible to enable it here..

                          Michael Gilligan

                            Posted by andrew lyner on 19/02/2021 19:05:21:


                            The total posts for a thread are visible but not the #number of the post within the thread. […]


                            Sorry … I obviously misinterpreted what you wrote


                            Bill Phinn
                              Posted by andrew lyner on 19/02/2021 19:05:21:I am a bit baffled why Engineers (thread members) are so reluctant to appreciate advances in such technology.


                              I can think of many advances in technology, Andrew, that not just engineers but all kinds of people have been reluctant to appreciate.

                              Very often this has been due to the existence of certain undesirable aspects in the new technology or the way it has been applied, and arguably a sign of failure not in the advance's detractors but in the originators or proponents of it, who have evidently not very thoroughly considered how or why this particular advance might not meet with the level of acceptance they would wish for it.

                              andrew lyner
                                Posted by JasonB on 19/02/2021 18:58:43:

                                I would not be keen on posts with just yes or no in them particularly with the new software leaving quite a bit of space per post. Just think what it would be like following a thread with blocks of seveal posts with just a emoji.

                                Could you quote an example of exactly what you mean? How could it come about on ME No one is suggesting a string of emoji could possibly convey the sort of information that ME deals with.

                                How many threads per inch? noteyesbroken heartvamp

                                It just doesn't work.

                                I would love to read a serious objection to Likes that is based on actual experience of it being problematical on a specific (quoted) forum that is tech based. Evidence is always useful in an argument – not just prejudice. I am assuming that no one would quote a "Technician's" type thread. Plumbers and heating 'engineers' are far too free with rude comments to be counted as evidence, related to the hallowed halls of ME. Sport fora would also not count – and political fora.


                                Edited By andrew lyner on 19/02/2021 20:11:57








                                        Andrew, that is what I mean the forum would look like if Peter Greene's suggestion of using emoji as likes were used and 3 people "liked" the previous post, as you say he may not know how likes are usually shown on other forums.

                                        Former Member

                                          [This posting has been removed]

                                          andrew lyner
                                            Posted by JasonB on 19/02/2021 20:12:20:


                                            Thanks for that- you are making my point here as I have no idea which post those thumbs actually refer to? With this inadequate system, I have to assume they were meant for me. Could you do the same for a a post that's ten positions up in the list? Or – if you quoted the whole of that post, how could I conveniently read it in the context of adjacent posts?


                                              Posted by andrew lyner on 19/02/2021 20:19:57:

                                              ……………………Could you do the same for a a post that's ten positions up in the list? Or – if you quoted the whole of that post, how could I conveniently read it in the context of adjacent posts?


                                              No and that is one of the advantages of the new software that is coming soon.

                                              andrew lyner
                                                Posted by br on 19/02/2021 20:16:31:

                                                Posted by An Other on 19/02/2021 10:50:54:

                                                Definitely don't like. – keep it simple – no complications

                                                Plus one for this comment – definitely.

                                                They had it on the Falmouth Packet forum when we used to live in Cornwall,. Caused more upsets, fights, rudeness, people being banned, etc.

                                                Keep it simple.


                                                Not too surprising – even though it's disappointing. But my earlier comment about comparing like with like (seriously, I wrote that without intending any pun) is relevant here. The Falmouth Packet will be a social / semi local historical forum, populated with people who love Falmouth but who have no other common interests.. Many of them will not be able to justify their comments etc. etc. Can you really compare it with ME?

                                                As an Old Truronian, I am sad to read your story.

                                                andrew lyner

                                                  I suggest you all spend a few minutes on physicsforums.com That will possibly be quite enough for non-Scientists.

                                                  Just pick a topic with a reasonable number of posts and see how Likes can be used to effect. People are largely very polite and helpful and compliment each other when a good point has been made.

                                                  No punchups in my nearly ten years of membership!

                                                  Former Member

                                                    [This posting has been removed]

                                                      Posted by JasonB on 19/02/2021 20:15:27:

                                                      Andrew, that is what I mean the forum would look like if Peter Greene's suggestion of using emoji as likes were used and 3 people "liked" the previous post, as you say he may not know how likes are usually shown on other forums.

                                                      OMG, in my innocence I assumed that "likes" were something that would be used relatively infrequently to signify a particularly meritorious post …. not that they would be used by default.

                                                      Can't think off hand of a better way to ruin a forum.

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