Posted by JasonB on 19/02/2021 18:58:43:
I would not be keen on posts with just or in them particularly with the new software leaving quite a bit of space per post. Just think what it would be like following a thread with blocks of seveal posts with just a emoji.
Could you quote an example of exactly what you mean? How could it come about on ME No one is suggesting a string of emoji could possibly convey the sort of information that ME deals with.
How many threads per inch?
It just doesn't work.
I would love to read a serious objection to Likes that is based on actual experience of it being problematical on a specific (quoted) forum that is tech based. Evidence is always useful in an argument – not just prejudice. I am assuming that no one would quote a "Technician's" type thread. Plumbers and heating 'engineers' are far too free with rude comments to be counted as evidence, related to the hallowed halls of ME. Sport fora would also not count – and political fora.
Edited By andrew lyner on 19/02/2021 20:11:57