Hi, there was a chap who run his own garage who was on the same advanced welding course that I was on and he had to drain and remove the petrol tank on a car, but only to get access to a part that needed welding which had to be done with oxy-acetylene, but he did have a proper pit to work in. After he removed the tank and put it a safe distance away, he proceeded to do the work, but no sooner he lit his blow torch he was engulfed in a fireball and suffered some vary serious burns and put him off work for a few weeks for recovery. Now you may think he had missed a pipe or something that had petrol in it, but it wasn't the case, in fact is was the petrol vapour lingering in the pit that flashed over. I think during the time of draining and removing the tank, he'd become used to the smell and could not smell it when he went back down into the pit, something he didn't forget about when he went back to work.
I've never taken a tank off when welding sills, but always did disconnect the battery and make sure trim etc. inside the car, couldn't catch fire. Haven't done such jobs for years and probably never will again.
Regards Nick.
Edited By Nicholas Farr on 16/07/2020 21:36:12