Weiss Machinery Youtube channel


Weiss Machinery Youtube channel

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  • #647619
    Bill Phinn

      Hopefully the channel will be useful to owners of this kind of machinery.

      Weiss seem to want their videos to be genuinely instructive, unlike so many big brands with Youtube channels who can’t seem to think beyond expensive, glossy, largely content-free ads that totally fail to win people like me over.

      Bill Phinn
        Michael Gilligan

          Thanks for the link, Bill

          … I’m not in the market for any of this stuff, but just dipped-in for a look:


          Like you, I am suitably impressed yes
          note: it’s much nicer with the sound OFF

            I have YT Premium so as not to get any ad's. It really annoys me that YT allow creators to dump an ad from a sponser in the middle of a vlog. I am not interested in any of the rubbish they try to sell. I have unsubscribed from several channels that do that or constantly promote totally unrelated items on their channel. The others I skip straight over the ad's. I used to like watching Abom79 but he has turned his channel into a advertisers heaven.

            The other thing is "music" over the commentary. Usually too loud so the two cannot be seperated by my ears anyway. I have sent countless messages to creators asking why they do it and have never had a reply. I am definitely getting grumpier in my old age.


            Bill Phinn

              The videos they’ve uploaded that struck me as particularly useful were ones like “Weiss mill power feed installation”, and “WBL290F stand installation”.

              There are, nevertheless, some slightly dubious working practices on display in some of them, e.g. drilling into the closed and fully assembled electrical box on a mill in order to fit a Z-axis motor. Judging by the comments on that video, however, Weiss do at least seem willing to learn from criticism.

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