This is a photo of a weight driven clockwork spit (somehow or other it got up loaded on its side, sorry,) that I have a mind to make. The speed regulating “fly?”is driven by a helical wheel engaging an appropriate spiral pinion.
This has come out on its side😠 as well.
The pitch of the spiral is about 5/16”, it’s major diameter is about 5/8” and the minor diameter5/16”.
My guess that the spit is 18th century and might be French, these are only guesses.
All of the other pinions are lantern pinions and I can get my head round those but how is a spiral, if that is the right word, made.
Does anybody out there have any ideas an if necessary correct my terminology as my Google searching has been fruitless. I have found many pictures of clockwork spits but no information about manufacturing a spiral pinion.
Edited By SillyOldDuffer on 18/11/2022 17:48:24