Wee shed fix


Wee shed fix

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  • #339563
    sean logie

      Haven't been in the shed since Xmas so I had a wee fix this morning before I carry on the the rebuilding of our bathroom (mare of a job) . I was fed up with the allen head table locking screws so I decided to make a slightly more usable (to me) version ,nothing fancy just a 1/4 20 thread and a larger head on the screw so it would be easier to hand tighten rather than hunting the allen key all the time .Each one I've made I've made differently (cos I can wink 2). Was going to knurl the thumb screw ,the knurler I had stripped down with the intention of making the clamping style rather than the push style which is what I have …another project on the back burner thinking.



      sean logie
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