Website Articles – Simplex


Website Articles – Simplex

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  • #41622
      I am in the process of scanning and editing the Martin Evans articles for the construction series of Simplex the 5″ scale 0-6-0 loco.
      This will be published on the site in 2 parts. Some of the detail diagrams will also be published dependant on quality. However, drawings will need to be purchased  
      We will not be editing the articles or drawings to remove the original errors….this would simply be too much work. However, there is at least one website with a list of “known” errors which I will publish reference to when appropriate.

      Edited By Richmond on 26/05/2009 13:13:39

        Bob Derham

          How are you getting on with the scanning. I would be interested in getting hold of a copy if you are willing.

          John Baguley
            The Simplex articles are available for download (subscribers only) on page 5 of the ‘Latest Articles’ Click on the link at the bottom of the home page.
            Bob Derham
              Thanks for your help,
              I found it after a bit:too easily distracted by other articles   However the simplex is subscriber only content. I already subscribe to the magazine and would prefer to spend my cash on bits of metal. I guess that as simplex is still being built Hobbystore can generate income from it. Incidentally, how does the copying process work.Did you scan the magazine on behlaf of hobbystores or do you work for them?
                And if you want to see one built under “Difficult” conditions, go to this site :-
                 If you leave a reply, tell the ascerbic tart “Circlip” sent you.
                  Given the easy availability of bits over here, SOME do whinge.
                   Regards  Ian.
                  Hiya Baggo.

                Edited By Circlip on 16/04/2010 11:52:44

                John Baguley
                  Aye up Ian!
                  Bob – if you are a subscriber then you should be able to download the Simplex articles FOC. By the way, it was Keith (Richmond) who scanned the articles, not me

                    Many thanks for making available the original Simplex articles, but since many people, myself included obviously, will be interested in building the Super Simplex, would it be possible to complete the series by making available a pdf of the relevant article from vol 162? Thanks

                    David Clark 13
                      Hi there
                      I have checked.
                      I don’t have the relevant issue on PDF.
                      Does anyone have it scanned in so we can post it on the site?
                      regards David
                        Posted by Circlip on 16/04/2010 11:52:01:

                        And if you want to see one built under “Difficult” conditions, go to this site :-
                         If you leave a reply, tell the ascerbic tart “Circlip” sent you.
                          Given the easy availability of bits over here, SOME do whinge.
                           Regards  Ian.
                          Hiya Baggo.

                        Edited By Circlip on 16/04/2010 11:52:44

                         That’s a bit rude you yorkshire – sorry, Bradford git!
                        Incidentally, this is a really pathetic forum format – the search facility is a non-starter and the ability to find previous postings by others, doesn’t exist. With all the money the ME guys make, you might have expected a somewhat more sophisticated website – but there you go – gets what you pays for I suppose – try to see a free forum with proper search facilities etc.
                        How stupid can you get – when you click on a link in this silly forum, it opens in the same window and you lose the window you came from- Sheesh, how can you make books about toys if you can’t even make a decent website!!!!!!!

                        Edited By drjohn on 02/06/2010 07:52:47

                        Edited By drjohn on 02/06/2010 07:58:34

                          OH dear, NOW we’re in for some new depths of degeneration
                            Re website comments, if there was an effective search system, you would have found many “Suggestions”. Join the queue.
                            Regards  Ian
                            Well, if there was a search facility, I might have found “Suggestions” and JUMPED the queue – you know me! Lol!! 
                            Stuart Northfield
                              OK, I give up – I’m a digital subscriber, but there’s no page 5 in latest articles from the home page, and I can’t find the articles by browsing or searching – so where are the Simplex article scans? Any chance of an actual link?
                              John Baguley
                                Think they’ve disappeared into a Black Hole!  Or perhaps we’ve run out of webspace
                                Stuart Northfield
                                  Hi John?
                                  Any chance they might reappear? Having recently acquired a Simplex in need of some TLC they would be extremely useful to me! (Or could anyone who did manage to download them e-mail me a copy?)
                                  David Clark 13
                                    Hi There
                                    We have had some complaints about some of the articles from certain people who have asked us to remove them.
                                    Although we are legally entitled to put up any content as complete magazines, it is not worth the agro of getting solicitors involved (except in one case) so we have removed the offending articles.
                                    We will be putting more photo type articles up starting next week.
                                    There will be allsorts, not just modelling, but days out to vintage transport events, visits to narrow gauge railways, many photos from exhibitions, and lots more besides.
                                    Watch this space.
                                    Now I am getting over my broken hip, I am again moderating the forum at weekends and in the evening.
                                    We are aware some aspects of the website are not quite right and will endeavour to correct them as we go.
                                    regards David
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