Posted by Michael Gilligan on 30/07/2023 07:49:53:
Despite the negative responses, Ian … I think I see your point
I agree. Though it could be used to water a garden, this type of application is an example. We all understand what watering a garden entails, and there are many ways of doing it, including not bothering! However, if you want to learn about microcontrollers, watering the garden is a respectable teaching aid, The example covers sensors, servos, programming, and bring the whole lot together on a real microcontroller.
My dear old dad, clever chap though he was, had a huge blind-spot when it came to computers. In his experience, machines were dedicated to a single function, where pushing a button, pulling a lever, or turning a knob did one thing only. He couldn't comprehend that computers can be programmed do almost anything, and he was lucky to retire just before the shift to microcontrollers made his electromechanical skills redundant.
Ian's project isn't about watering the garden, it's purpose is to get folk started with a technology with almost unlimited applications. It leads to bigger things: in my case, Dynamometers, Septic Tank Controller, Photographic controllers, Ballistic Chronograph, Condensation alarm (able to turn on a dehumidifier), Rotary Table driver, Precision Event Timers, Pendulum Clock Analyser, various motor controllers and much else.
Better not say what I think of BASIC as a computer language though – it upsets people!