A considerable amount of research has been made, and is still being made, into Quaternary climate (i.e. covering the present Ice Age) to try to understand what we might expect naturally, to gain a better view of how we are affecting it artificially.
The climate does not change in a beautifully neat sine curve, or even resembling a trapezoidal thread, but as major oscillations with lots of little perturbations and irregularities. So it is trends that matter, not short wobbles or people’s rosy views of hot Summer holidays and sledging in Winter; and so far the trends are very worrying to say the least.
The Earth’s climate is still cool in its own terms and the climate should still be warming from the Last Glacial Warming, not a short-term cold snap in the 17C or even a brief ice-sheet re-advance 8000 years ago; but over many millennia.
What matters is whether we are forcing the rate of change and if we can slow it to what Nature might have done.
So far the consensus that we are, is strengthening; but this is by no means unexpected. Scientists were beginning to ask the question 100 years ago but were ignored because their predicted danger point was so far ahead, and their era was marked by a blissful assumption that we can “tame” Nature if only we throw enough Science and Engineering at it.
Hence now something of a panic mode, so it’s hardly surprising we see desperate wrangling between by two “sides”. One lot calling it all a “hoax” and the like, perhaps from fears of having to sacrifice some of their comfy but profligate lifestyles. Or for political ends. The other lot well-meaning, but all too often seeming barely to know energy from fuel from power, but just as politically driven. While the Scientists trying to warn everyone of what’s happening, and the Engineers trying to produce sensible solutions, are caught in the middle.
Perhaps the daftest I have seen recently of the well-meaning Hignorami, was a comment quoted in the “Dorset Echo” a few days ago, by a National Trust manager. He reckoned we could have the hottest climate for the last 100 000 years. Naturally: most of that covers the LGM, when at its depths much of the British Isles were covered in ice and Southern England was Arctic tundra.