Engine, or any other non-machine rated / hydraulic, oil is almost certainly a large part of your problem. All oils suffer from deterioration over time leaving "varnish-like" deposits which build up on slides and moving parts. Machine and hydraulic oil blends tend to suffer much less than the more complcated mixes needed to cope with engine work but they still do it given enough time. When "varnish" particles wear off they discolour any oil wiped from the joint. The darker the discolouration the more bits are being wiped off.
Cure is to clean well and wipe over with fresh oil when finishing work for the day and before starting next time. Best to do same with ovenight wait about every fortnight if the machine isn't being used unless you have finally got it clean. Fresh machine oil seems to slowly dissolve the "varnish" stuff and lift it out of the pores in the cast iron. You will know when it is clean because the wipe off after overnight, or longer, standing will be oil colour. Takes a long time to get things back to clean on a slightly neglected machine. My Smart & Brown 1024 was not significantly abused but was clearly often rode hard and put away wet. Took around 5 years of fresh oil and wipe off before the bed came back to its proper state, still working on the slides. Fully clean surfaces do work more smoothly but the discolour and deposits as bought made little difference to performance with tenth thou accuracy achieved with almost casual ease.
I have seen allegedly well worn machines where most of the apparent wear was due to uneven deposit build up, ten thou and greater, so rectification consisted mainly of major scrubbing and careful re-assembly. Although shifting the apparent wear isn't too difficult, given sufficient elbow grease, so the machine re-assembles nicely I've never found it possible to get all the "stuff" off by scrubbing. The surface may well look clean but black oil syndrome appears once its put back to work. Following the fresh oil & wipe treatment eventually seems to do the deed. Certainly shifts enough "stuff" to need a couple of gib adjustments as the machine settles down.
Edited By Clive Foster on 11/05/2014 15:49:37